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I have enjoyed playing all the FF's, so I don't understand why people say they hate a particular one. Sure some are better then others, but that's because it's such an expansive game.

Eh, I don't hate IX. I enjoyed it my first play through. I just can't get through it again for some reason. I don't know what about it doesn't appeal to me, but it just puts me off it. I don't think there were any characters I really enjoyed, bar maybe Vivi.

VIII also has the advantage of being the first one I ever owned (I had meant to buy VII after seeing my dad play it, but I was like 9 at the time and so hadn't really grasped the whole Roman Numeral thing yet.) and as such, the FF that drew me into the series, RPG's, and pretty much video games as a whole. (Along with a little help from Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2)

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I think FFVIII gives VII and X a serious run for their money as my favourites, having finally completed it recently. And how you can defend that fucking thing up^ there and then go onto say you don't like gunblades is ridiculous. They are swords, that shoot bullets. The only way it could be more awesome is if it was a gun that shot swords.

Personally I'd say Squall is my favourite main character of all the FF games I've played. He's a lot more down to earth than most and is still a badass. I liked the draw system, junctioning is a bit of a dick at times, but I found the actual combat in 8 to be pretty awesome.

What? FFXIII? It's cool >_> I dislike how frantic the combat seems to be, most of the time I'm just mashing auto battle because otherwise I'm too slow and worry about not getting a good enough score afterwards.

EDIT : FFIX is a horrible game and you should feel bad for liking it.

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VIII is awesome, and you should feel bad for not liking it. XIII has a lot of VIII feel to it with some of the weapons, which is awesome, as long as no one like Irvine shows up.

Status reports upcoming, I just took the X and will be playing some FF after I eat and watch some Survivor Series 87. Team Savage (I'm sure the had some gimmick name, but fuck if I know what it is) is the awesome. Savage, Steamboat, Snake, and Hacksaw? It's worth putting up with Beefcake for!

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Chapter 7 finished, will get around to Chapter 8 at some point today. The end boss of Chapter 7 was actually really fun, I had a good time wailing on each body part and then finally annihilating the main body. Of course after finally getting used to using a set two character types, I'm back to Sazh & Vanille and their wacky combos. >_>

Man, Chapter 7 was a whore though. The Flying Psicom enemies are evil, and then it started chucking Behemoths at me as casual fights! The worst was definitely the bit where I was running around with Snow & Hope though, that bit can suck my dick. Fucking hard as hell, I wasted pretty much ever L1 item I had on that. (Speaking off, do you ever get a shop to buy Decepistols etc. from?)

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VIII is awesome, and you should feel bad for not liking it. XIII has a lot of VIII feel to it with some of the weapons, which is awesome, as long as no one like Irvine shows up.

Status reports upcoming, I just took the X and will be playing some FF after I eat and watch some Survivor Series 87. Team Savage (I'm sure the had some gimmick name, but fuck if I know what it is) is the awesome. Savage, Steamboat, Snake, and Hacksaw? It's worth putting up with Beefcake for!

You take a pill to watch wrestling and play games?


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Never said I didn't like VIII, just mocking TKz for not liking IX :shifty:

That's pretty much the FF equivalent of mocking someone for not liking the Star Wars prequels.

Your point being?

Rich, I love you, but if you tell me you enjoyed Phantom Menace, I don't think we can ever, ever talk again.

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VIII is awesome, and you should feel bad for not liking it. XIII has a lot of VIII feel to it with some of the weapons, which is awesome, as long as no one like Irvine shows up.

Status reports upcoming, I just took the X and will be playing some FF after I eat and watch some Survivor Series 87. Team Savage (I'm sure the had some gimmick name, but fuck if I know what it is) is the awesome. Savage, Steamboat, Snake, and Hacksaw? It's worth putting up with Beefcake for!

You take a pill to watch wrestling and play games?


Ehhh, I had some left over from plans that fell through, I don't have work or class, and I felt like doing it. Think what you want.

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That's pretty much the FF equivalent of mocking someone for not liking the Star Wars prequels.

So, let me just get this straight. You're comparing Final Fantasy IX, the first JRPG that I ever loved and a game that, by your own admittance, you liked the first time round, to Attack of The Fucking Clones.


Thou art dead to me, sir. sad.gif

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Never said I didn't like VIII, just mocking TKz for not liking IX :shifty:

That's pretty much the FF equivalent of mocking someone for not liking the Star Wars prequels.

Your point being?

Rich, I love you, but if you tell me you enjoyed Phantom Menace, I don't think we can ever, ever talk again.

Oh god no, i didn't really enjoy Attack of the Clones all that much either

I did enjoy Revenge of the Sith until the very end, and that was the moment Star Wars died

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VIII is awesome, and you should feel bad for not liking it. XIII has a lot of VIII feel to it with some of the weapons, which is awesome, as long as no one like Irvine shows up.

Status reports upcoming, I just took the X and will be playing some FF after I eat and watch some Survivor Series 87. Team Savage (I'm sure the had some gimmick name, but fuck if I know what it is) is the awesome. Savage, Steamboat, Snake, and Hacksaw? It's worth putting up with Beefcake for!

You take a pill to watch wrestling and play games?


Ehhh, I had some left over from plans that fell through, I don't have work or class, and I felt like doing it. Think what you want.

Fair enough, just seemed rather odd, 'tis all.

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