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The international versions only get released in Japan as they get teh game a good deal before the rest of the world, and as such the game continues to develop and bits get added for Western releases. I wouldn't expect Europe/NA to get a seperate release in the future, it doesn't tend to happen that way, so what I recieve this week will be the same as if you were to buy it 12 months from now. Rumour has it that additional contenet will be DLC, negating the need, in Japan anyway, for a sperate release.

I only remember how the US Version of FF10 had a bit more contend than the Japanes Version while the EU Version was the fully fledged International Version that was released in Japan. (well + Pal bars wich made the Japanes Version the better choise)

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Finished my save of FF7 earlier. Just scraped past Safer-Sephiroth with an Omnislash while Cloud and Red were alive on yellow health. So much fun playing through it again. I doubt I'll ever tire of it. Also pleased I finished it in time to start ff13, which I've ordered off Amazon, so will hopefully arrive a day early like PES2010 and MGS4 did when I ordered them from there. Can't wait.

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So for some batshit insane reason, I might be able to pick this up, brand new, on release day, for 80 bucks.

That is unheard of it communist Australia, where video games are the most expensive things in the known universe, and new release PS3 games usually go for 110.

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I'll be at work by this time tomorrow. But will hopefully have the game four hours before this time tomorrow. I was contemplating going down to JB HiFi today and asking for a copy today, since they would obviously have them in stock. And it is a minute down the road for me.


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It's... interesting, I won't pass judgement yet since I've not even got to a point where the battle system is beyond "Press X to attack + a few other abilities", but so far it's better than XII. If I were to sum it up, it feels like FFX's story (thrown in at the deep end) with FFVII's character style. It plays a bit like a mix between Crisis Core and FFXII at the moment, which makes for a surprisingly fun version of playing the game, we'll see where it leads. There's no stand out character besides Chicobo yet.

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I wasn't going to buy this (at least, not until I give in in about 6 months' time), but now Stokerina has gone and ordered it for me.

Why? So that she can watch me play it.

You'd think she'd just play the game herself, but no. Her plan is to watch me play the fun bits, then walk away and do something else inbetween, while I have to stay at the computer and do the tedious bits such as the bajillion little enemy battles, levelling up etc.

There's a metaphor for marriage in there somewhere. <_<

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I wasn't going to buy this (at least, not until I give in in about 6 months' time), but now Stokerina has gone and ordered it for me.

Why? So that she can watch me play it.

You'd think she'd just play the game herself, but no. Her plan is to watch me play the fun bits, then walk away and do something else inbetween, while I have to stay at the computer and do the tedious bits such as the bajillion little enemy battles, levelling up etc.

There's a metaphor for marriage in there somewhere. <_<

Oh look at you. Mad cause someone bought you something you knew you would give in to buying! :shifty:

I'm really not that interested in this one as XII was quite a letdown for me. Count me as one of the many waiting for an FF7 remake. :P

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