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Holy shit. I'm still on disc three and have a pile of Ultima's junctioned to Squalls Strength attribute, and now his Renzokuken does at least 6000 damage per hit, for at least 5/6 hits a turn. I fought Bahamut at level 35 and killed him with two limit breaks. Is there any reason NOT to have him constantly yellow?

Yeah, if you've got aura spells to spare he doesn't NEED to be yellow, it just helps :shifty:

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And then the Ultima Weapon does the FF equivalent of bending me over and forcefully shafting me while whispering violent promises into my ears.

EDIT : Hahahahahaha, I take it back. I got Renzo in, he used Quake to kill Rinoa and Zell but bizarrely HEALED me, so I Renzo'd again and he got dead. I AM INVINCIBLE!

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So Nobuo is scoring XIV which means I have to play an online Final Fantasy now. :crying:

In other notes, most of the reviews around 8.5 but the main criticism is the linear gameplay so I'm not worried. I've only seen one review point out that most of the non-linearty in other Final Fantasys is just smoke and mirrors.

The battle system is supposed to be amazing and (*gasp*) challenging!

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As someone who usualy is hit in the face by bad things i have no idea whats not working with the xbox version in their video. But maybe thats because i am more of a whore for well don grafiks and proper storytelling than high spec numbers.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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I think there was some stuff removed in some scenes too. At one point, when it showed Lightning standing with some Robots in the background, in the PS3 version there was one that was kind of flying, which didn't appear in the 360 version. But yeah, I see nearly no difference. hmm.gif

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I think there was some stuff removed in some scenes too. At one point, when it showed Lightning standing with some Robots in the background, in the PS3 version there was one that was kind of flying, which didn't appear in the 360 version. But yeah, I see nearly no difference. hmm.gif



Ahem. Sorry. Don't know what that was. <_<

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Oh Rich, I love PS3 as much as the next Sony whore, but don't act like you're not even a little jealous that they get the old multiple disk stuff back. Oh what I'd give for another 'Insert Disk 2' message. sad.gif

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Oh Rich, I love PS3 as much as the next Sony whore, but don't act like you're not even a little jealous that they get the old multiple disk stuff back. Oh what I'd give for another 'Insert Disk 2' message. sad.gif

No, I am not, With me and discs nowadays the likelihood of me scratching the second disc just before I put it in rendering it unplayable is in the region of 99%

Its not like I am not careful, its just that the disc fairy scratches all my discs and I even put them back in there correct cases swiftly :(

And if there is any jealousy is masked by the pride and the quiet smugness that we get a better picture as PS3 owners. That's 40 hours of game play where the PS3 will look glorious and the 360 will look not only like the ugly sister, but the ugly sister who had a particularly nasty interaction with a drunk driver two christmasses ago.... :shifty:

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So, do you guys already know how this game is going to get soled in the future? As you will remember there usualy was a "International" editions of the bigger Square and Square Enix games. Basicly a rerelease that had contend they aded for the US and mostly the european version.

Will this happen to FF13 aswell or are they aiming to offer DLC?

While i am not a FF fanboy (lets not talk about why, would only get a mess) i´ed like to play it anyway. But why buy it now wen i still got games to play and would need to rebuy FF13 in a year because they stick with rereleasing the game. (from what i understand this happend to Star Ocean for the PS3 - or did the XBox Version get the new contend as DLC?)

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The international versions only get released in Japan as they get teh game a good deal before the rest of the world, and as such the game continues to develop and bits get added for Western releases. I wouldn't expect Europe/NA to get a seperate release in the future, it doesn't tend to happen that way, so what I recieve this week will be the same as if you were to buy it 12 months from now. Rumour has it that additional contenet will be DLC, negating the need, in Japan anyway, for a sperate release.

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