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VIII was dumb for the simple fact that you leveled every 1000 exp, so your friendly neighborhood grinder was level 99 (or was it 100?) On disc 2. Nevermind that refining, drawing, and junctioning made it crazy simple to overpower. Love the setting and atmosphere, hate most of the function.

And the best mini-game will forever be blitzball.

So what if the grinders are maxxed out? The monsters level alongside of you.

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In anticipation of FF13, I'm trying to finish the FF7 save I started at the end of last year but have left dormant for a month or so, to get into the FF spirt in time for the new game. I've logged 30 hours and just got onto Disk 3 and collected a few Ultimate Weapons and got Omnislash. I always forget how fun this game is when I come back to it, even though it must be my 5th or 6th playthrough. Annoyingly, the game froze after I beat Proud Clod, so I had to take out the disc and clean it and do that fight all over again. Suppose it's to be expected of discs that were bought when the game came out. About to embark upon Chocobo breeding before going to kill Sephiroth and finish the story. This is still my favourite game of all time.

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Bwahaha. I have the week off. smile.gif Cannot wait for this, I'm actually expecting it to turn up Monday, because I ordered from GAME with the super delivery thing and according to my mate, every time he's pre-ordered with it, it's arrived a day early. It's going to be hell getting through work over the weekend though, knowing what is awaiting me the day after. >_>

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Bwahaha. I have the week off. smile.gif Cannot wait for this, I'm actually expecting it to turn up Monday, because I ordered from GAME with the super delivery thing and according to my mate, every time he's pre-ordered with it, it's arrived a day early. It's going to be hell getting through work over the weekend though, knowing what is awaiting me the day after. >_>

Who told you I was gonna come down a viciously... erm.. I mean lovingley, rape you... :pervert:

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I have one week to beat Mass Effect 2, so that I can give FF XIII all my attention. But a week after, my attention will be divided among FF XIII and Resonance of Fate. And a week after it will be between those two and Just Cause 2.

Also....I cast Fire. Then Cure. And then Fir2.

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The reason he told me? Because he's awesome.

I am jealous, to say the least.

But going on the IGN board, made me sad and stuff. Being reminded of the lack of open-endedness. Also because of reminder of them removing like, an entire games worth of content.

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Oh yay, I'm at the giant Deus Ex Machina sence. First the whole 'Rinoa's out of air!!!!! Oh wait there's a button right here which fills it right back up' followed swiftly by 'We're floating aimlessly in space with no fuel whatever shall we do? Oh look there's a spaceship we hadn't noticed before that's within floating distance of us YAY!!!' <_<<_<

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Could be worse.

Could be playing FFXII.

Fixed. Common typo.

Couldn't agree more, Sousa. shifty.gif

EDIT: IGN (UK, I think) have just reviewed XIII: they've given it an 8.3 which is pretty impressive, really. The closing comments aren't particularly encouraging though:

But the lack of anything substantial to do beyond fleeing and fighting soon brings the game crashing back to earth, and even when the walls are lifted Final Fantasy XIII’s world can seem strangely lifeless. As a technical feat the game is a triumph, but it seems a slave to its own spectacle, manacling the gameplay to serve its own bombastic vision and ultimately while the excellent combat and stunning visuals are enough to recommend it, they're not enough to earn it a place amongst the series’ top rank.

Rest of the article is here. The bit about the lack of towns and the sheer dearth of side-quests until the 30 hour mark is personally disheartening as some of my favourite FF locations have the likes of Lindbulm, Midgar and Rabanastre sad.gif. The fact they've taken the XII system and appeared to mix it with that of X-2 sounds like a welcome addition though.

Edited by badotori
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