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Okay, stratch my last comment, changing Demi for Tornado + Squall doing damn near 3000 damage on disc 2!

Also, Galbadia, would it have made some more sense to leave some people behind in your garden, you know just in case we decided to jump aboard, you know, like the EXACT same thing you're doing to us?

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Does anybody else find it strange that there's a popular card game around the world and these like five or six kids from Balamb Garden are some of the only people on the planet who have cards in the game? I mean, Cid and Edea having cards makes at least some sense, but who's going around going AW FUCK YEAH I GOT THE ZELL CARD?

One of many problems with the card game in VIII.

My main problem being that IT'S FUCKING STUPID. "In order to get Card A, you have to lose Card B to Player X on Disc 1, and then challenge Player Y on Disc 3, you can then win Card A back by challenging Player Z on Disc 4". Oh fuck off, how's anyone supposed to EVER figure that out?

People want to bitch about IX having a fucked up strategy guide? At least you could conceivably do anything in that game without one - in VIII every secret practically requires you to sit down with a guidebook, which is NOT HOW THINGS SHOULD WORK.

And while I like the idea of regional variation in rules of the game, at least come up with rules that aren't fucking stupid. Oh wait, "aren't fucking stupid" isn't in the Final Fantasy VIII remit, sorry.

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Except, whereas in IX it's a fun distraction and nothing more, in VIII there's actually some in-game benefit to it thanks to the Card Mod ability - so the game actually encourages you to put up with the stupidity inherent therein.

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Oh yeah. Yeah, but it's not like it's crucial. I think I only ever really played the card game once, where I did quite well for a while before finishing the game. Is there actually a lot of stuff you miss out on without using the cards & card mod ability? The only thing I can think of is that you can't get Lionheart on Disk 1 without using it.

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I think you can tell when people get sick of the card game. It's about the point when the random rule spreads like herpes and there nothing you can do about it without resetting every game, since you end up with 5 useless card and a great one, which you'll end up losing. And even if you end up with a good hand (if you've gotten rid of everything shite through card modding it) the plus/same rules swoops in to kick your ass. Does plus actully have rules or is it just 'you appear to be winning despite the random rule, NOT ANYMORE!!!'.

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I'll just say this in defense of completely overplaying Triple Triad: I am completely obliterating everything.

Like, better than what I believed was my best playthrough of FF8 beforehand. With the right sete of junctions and right kinds of ammo, Irvine's become an unstoppable juggernaut... (except for the fact that he's always one strong hit away from a KO <_<) I've already gotten the goddamned Lionheart and Squall's never had to use his Limit Break yet because Irvine keeps killing the crap out of everything.

The junctions are with magic I gained from refining items I gained through card-modding. Irvine's got 100 of all types of ammo (excluding Pulse Ammo, which is bitchingly hard even if you overplay TT) because of items I modded, then refined.

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Ugh one thing I absolutely hate about VIII is the way you earn gil. I love the game otherwise but it also seemed so spaced out for me even though you had to do very little shopping.

Whilst I don't like it, it's easy to cheat the system, take as many written tests as you can early on, regularly beat about five sets of enemies an hour and you're in the moolah.

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VIII was dumb for the simple fact that you leveled every 1000 exp, so your friendly neighborhood grinder was level 99 (or was it 100?) On disc 2. Nevermind that refining, drawing, and junctioning made it crazy simple to overpower. Love the setting and atmosphere, hate most of the function.

And the best mini-game will forever be blitzball.

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