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Just out of curiosity, which of the Espers in XII are most useless? I've heard Zalera, because the final attack is Kill. Everything I've read says Cuchulainn is the best to use due to it having the best tanking abilities and Curaga.

So far, I have Belias and Mateus and am considering going after Adrammelech. I fought Adrammelech a few levels ago and won, but reset because I used up too many items defeating him, and decided to gain a few more levels before trying again.

One thing that surprised me was hearing that the Demon Walls were a bitch to fight, and I pretty much owned both of them (used Quickening chains on the more powerful wall).

I am currently farming around the Hunt Club area.

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Yeah, I don't think I've ever used an Esper, but hey; I'm a sucker for a 100% game, so they need to be got. Plus they all seem to be pretty challenging to kill, and I'm a sucker for one of them too!

On the Hunt front, I've got a couple left. I plan on picking off 'Belito' tonight, as it seems to be pretty easy, and it'll be nice to round off that whole storyline, then trying my darnest to get Fafnir to actually come out of hiding so I can finally go against the Behemoth King (who looks proper swish!), Then I plan on finishing off Gilgamesh and Shadowseer tomorrow, so I can begin my hunt for Yiazmat.

Still, I'll have to get all the Espers and finish the Beastiary (is that including the Rare Game?) so I can finish the Sky Pirates Den and actually fight Yiazmat. But hey, I adore this game, another 30+ hours of play will be fantastic. I'll be finished before the Summertime!

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Btw, when I said I was farming in the Hunt Club area, I meant I'm there but haven't proceeded far enough to join the actual Hunt Club yet. My characters are all lvl 29 and 30 (I think only one is 29) and I haven't done the Mandragoras bosses yet.

I'm trying to farm for loot as well as xp before proceeding, and one or two characters don't have all the +hp licenses yet.

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Holy mother of christ, Fafnir is an evil, evil fucker. Got rid of him this morning, took about half hour, all my MP, having to revive Ashe about 100 times and having to switch my equipment everytime White Breath come along so I wouldn't have to deal with Stop every 30 seconds, and all for just 39 LP? Ouch. I'm just thankful I've already completed the license board, otherwise I'd of been pissed.

Four hunts left; Ixion, Shadowseer, Behemoth King and Yiazmat. Problem is, with Behemoth King's stats showing him to be nowt but a more powerful Fafnir, I've no chance at doing him in right now, Shadowseer and Ixion are at Subterra, and going there means getting destroyed as soon as I enter the place, and of course Yiazmat is no-go until the others are done with.

I'm gonna need to start on the Espers, I think. I've only got 7, which means I've still got another 6, plus I've still got Hell Wyrm and the Phon Coast Hunt Club, so I should be keeping pretty busy.

But one question, where's the best (as in, high EXP / easy enemies) place to level up for a bunch of level 69s, and then for a bunch of level 63s? I wanna get everyone up to around level 75 before I take on the next few hunts, and I need a place to go. I'm considering Giruvegan, because there's nowt too taxing there, and everyone gives about 1,000 EXP out, but I'm wondering if there's anywhere I can go that gives a little more EXP?

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I'm definitely going to have to go lvl up more before proceeding: I took down Ahriman earlier and it was a tougher fight than I expected (characters are lvl 34 and 33). I got the first 9 Pinewood Chops, but I think I may get the rest for the Sandalwood Chop and teleport out to level up somewhere, because Doctor Cid would pretty much own me right now, so going into Draklor isn't a good idea.

I should probably go hunt some more marks, too, I guess. (I'm Riskbreaker rank right now, I think)

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No prizes for guessing what Ollie's playing. >_>

I do want to fire up IX again, but I haven't got it anymore, and I want to get the guide before I bother downloading a ROM. I only ever played through IX once, whereas everything else I've played a handful of times. I never really got the attraction with IX, I didn't like having four people on a team, the levelling system irked me a bit and I just never got attached.

This'll be different tho, as I remember it does have some supremely badass moments, and I look forward to playing it. =]

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IX's not about the battle system (though to me it's the perfect one barring an altered FF7 system or FFX's system, heck FF battle systems rock the house), it's about characters, story, old and new, duality, the question of existence and all that deep stuff you wouldn't expect from a video game

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