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Final Fantasy


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I really dont know what it is about the final fantasy games. I bought VII when it came it because i had blockbuster vouchers :) and Tomb raider 2 was delayed by a week and i needed a game so i bought it. Right at the start i had no idea what the hell i was doing especially with the Scorpian boss in the mako reactor!.

However my point is it was a giant story and it was brilliant. Id never played anything like it. Even now going back to it you remember all those classic moments and its still one of my favorites. Any game that has its status is in danger of being overrated. Each to there own I guess.

Loved 8 and 9 and 10 but hated 12. It just seemed shite and didnt feel like a final fantasy game to me. Hopefully 13 wont fall in the same trap.

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I remember a lot of people hating on XII before it came out and I ended up liking it a lot. I think most people expect every new Final Fantasy to be like VII so they shit on it when they discover it doesn't have materia. I don't like the idea of a linear game, and the battle system looks fucking retarded. Of course, that is exactly what I said about XII's battle system and I found it to be one of my favourites to play (but fuck Gambits).

Naturally, I'll be pre-ordering soon and frantically waiting for the 9th.

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I am gonna get it for sure... I always end up loving parts of it, but end up hating other parts, only VII had nothing I absolutely despised...

VIII had the drawing thing... horrible

IX had a rubbish storyline, especially the end

X, was actually really good, but was a bit linear at times

X-2 was good, just not as great

XII didn't feel like a FF in the same way as mentioned, and the summons were more than a bit dick.

But I always end up enjoying them and i am sure that I will with this one as well.

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Gee, who am I going to send to the Missle Base? Since Zell got us into this trouble, he can go. Also Irvine 'those missle we just saw are definatly going to your home Selphie', well done you've earned your place on our little mission. And we've had our Deus Ex Machina moment 'the door locked!!' 'Oh, Selphie, you know that vehicle we found miles away form the base? It just happened to have a card key, let's see if it works'

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So does somebody want to give some beginner tips for Tactics? I got it from the Playstation Store and am going to dive into it before XIII comes out.

Don't bother with Knights past Chapter 1 except as a path to better classes (such as Monks) and getting the Equip Sword ability for people with sword-based abilities (Orlandu, Agrias, a few others).

Have Ramza master Squire completely before moving on. Make sure you pick up the Yell ability you gain access to at the beginning of Chapter 2. There's a specific battle at the end of Chapter 3 where it will save your life.

Everyone should learn Gained JP Up as soon as possible. As a rule, you should always have it on until you're settled into your final class and/or need a different support ability for some reason. I find that Move+1 (also in Squire) is a helpful early skill as well--being able to outmaneuver your opponent is a HUGE help.

Female characters make better magic-users, and male characters make better physical combatants.

After the first couple of battles (the one with the bare-fisted Chemist specifically), you should kick out everyone in your party except Ramza and your story characters. Sell all of their equipment as well as your Holy Water. Use that money to recruit four new party members--two male, two female is a good blend. Shoot for high Brave and Faith values.

Awesome job classes: Monk, Lancer (Dragoon?), Ninja, Samurai, Wizard, Priest, Time Mage

Awesome secondary abilities: Steal, Math Skill, Item, any magic, Jump

Job classes you must pass through that aren't a lot of good: Knight, Archer, Oracle (aside from sticks, which are pretty great)

If you've just finished a battle and the game gives you the option to save, for God's sake SAVE IN A SECOND SLOT. You won't be able to go back and level up if you need to.

That should get you started.

Oh, and these are all original Final Fantasy Tactics names; I don't know if they're still applicable or not. I don't have the new version and don't care to get it frankly. But I'd imagine that fundamental changes haven't been made beyond relocalization and the addition of shitty purple prose. I imagine ninjas and monks are still brutal killing machines as they should be, damn it.

Edited by Prince of Souspace
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Dear Internet, re: Looking too deeply into video games.

Please keep in mind that sometimes, sometimes, a game is just a game. And that there may be plot holes. But they're just that. Plot holes. Not hidden messages, not secret meanings. Just... plot holes.

Yours truly, Louis O'Hara.

I mean, I know people had problems with the FFVIII story, I too think it's a bit convulted, especially towards the end, but have we really reached the point where we're actually considering the whole 'it was all just a dream' scenario?

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I saw this theory over at The Spoony Expirement and I think he echoed my opinion. It's a good little theory but if it was what the writers were going for then what happens next? Squall and co has just charged at Sorceress and Squall takes a few Ice Shardes to the chest and has some freaky dream sequence as he dies. Then what? The Sorceress has beaten them and will go onto enslave the planet. Unless you have something after Squall's dying dream (e.g. finding out what happens to everyone else who was there when Squall bought the farm, or if they still managed to stop her), it feels like only half a story.

It just seems like some point have really tried to cover over some of FFVIII's weeknesses when it comes to the story, whist ignoring the huge weakness in their new little tale.

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So does somebody want to give some beginner tips for Tactics? I got it from the Playstation Store and am going to dive into it before XIII comes out.

There are a few early battles in which it pays to have a pretty buff archer on your team. IMO archers are easier to build up than wizards and you'll need to be able to hit long range when you get to... I forget the name. It's a fort with the warring teams scattered behind two buildings though. You'll know it when you see it.

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Does anybody else find it strange that there's a popular card game around the world and these like five or six kids from Balamb Garden are some of the only people on the planet who have cards in the game? I mean, Cid and Edea having cards makes at least some sense, but who's going around going AW FUCK YEAH I GOT THE ZELL CARD?

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Ah yeah, I forgot Fujin and Raijin were in the card game. Biggs and Wedge makes sense because the people on Planet Holy Crap That's A Lot Of Wilderness should know they're in a Final Fantasy game and that those two are around somewhere.

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