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Final Fantasy


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FFX was incredible. There's a bit where you have to get to a temple through a jungle and dodge the guards who are blocking you. It's quite near the beginning and something you can do in about ten minutes, but I lost a good two or three hours to that part alone, I was enjoying the battle system and upgrading my characters so much.

It got to the point that I was so over-levelled, by the time I fought that ghost dragon thing in the sky, Wakka killed it in one hit with his Blitzball limit break.

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Dunno if anyone's seen this, and I'm not sure if it warrants a spoiler tag really, but someone has posted the FFXIII soundtrack up on a...certain video hosting site. There may be some differences between this (must be the Japanese version) and the eventual Western version but it's an idea of how it'll sound, at least. Haven't checked it out yet myself so I'm going to get listening now - I'm just hoping it at least compares to what came before it.

EDIT: Removed the link as I'm not sure if linking to the big YT is vegan-kosher. unsure.gif

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Oh for fucks sake, fuck the Blitzball game. I had everything under fucking control and then Wakka replaces Tidus. Genius idea, just when I'm about to go for the Jecht Shot, remove the only decent player and replace him with a barely average one!

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The moombas are alright, better than those dirty moogles, but still. Going all the way down eight levels of the same fucking corridor only to find you were supposed to go one up, then having to go all the way down, and THEN having to go all the way up is absolutely fucking retarded.

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I know, right! The rest of the game isnt anywhere near as bad, or at least as noticable >_>

The only part of the game that irks me as bad as the prison does is when you go to space on the third disc, but that's not any fault of the game; it's because for almost four years, my game would always freeze up at that point and I'd never be able to get through it. Then, eventually, one Saturday, my mom had gone to a yard sale and picked up five or six games, all of which were being sold for like, a quarter each. Two of the games were practically pristine copies of VII and VIII.

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