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IX was the first FF game I played, so this piece of music will always bring back happy memories - Eidolon Wall.The first time I completed the game took me 56 hours - about 5 of that was probably spent in Madain Sari listening to this.

Plus, this is beyond epic in terms of boss battle themes. (Y)

And, I agree, "To Zanarkand" is very awesome. I also had a soft spot for Auron's theme - partly because I think it really fits the character, partly because it reminds me of Jade Cocoon, which was one of my favourite games way back when.

Oh, and as for FF hotness, gimme Quistis any day. ^_^

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eh, I prefer Ashe, the non-rabbitness factor does a lot for me.

I'm discussing the hotness of video game characters, it's a slippery slope this (though kuraidark seems to be a lot further down said slope)

I always forget Ashe exists. ¬_¬

If we're going down this dark route, there's clearly no answer but Rikku & Yuna.

edit: this reminds me of a girl I met in like '07 who had a thing for Yuna and listened to the Zanarkand theme non stop for like 3 months. And I've been in love with her ever since. :blush:

Yuna was always too depressed for me (granted with good reason, going on a quest when she knows at the end of it she needs to sacrifice herself along with on of her closest friends. Added to that she knows full well that this sacrifice is ultimatly futile because her father did it so she already knows that it won't kill Sin just put it to sleep for a bit. Also the love of her life is just a dream who will fade away once they've defeated Sin, even after they've come up with a way to avoid the sacrifice. I'd be depressed too). Riku was fit but a bit too jail-baity for my liking, isn;t she like 16 in X? Just baout fine for us Brits but Americans must have been in trouble.

Lulu on the other hand :wub:

Wow look how far down the slope I am already.

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eh, I prefer Ashe, the non-rabbitness factor does a lot for me.

I'm discussing the hotness of video game characters, it's a slippery slope this (though kuraidark seems to be a lot further down said slope)

I always forget Ashe exists. ¬_¬

If we're going down this dark route, there's clearly no answer but Rikku & Yuna.

edit: this reminds me of a girl I met in like '07 who had a thing for Yuna and listened to the Zanarkand theme non stop for like 3 months. And I've been in love with her ever since. :blush:

Yuna was always too depressed for me (granted with good reason, going on a quest when she knows at the end of it she needs to sacrifice herself along with on of her closest friends. Added to that she knows full well that this sacrifice is ultimatly futile because her father did it so she already knows that it won't kill Sin just put it to sleep for a bit. Also the love of her life is just a dream who will fade away once they've defeated Sin, even after they've come up with a way to avoid the sacrifice. I'd be depressed too). Riku was fit but a bit too jail-baity for my liking, isn;t she like 16 in X? Just baout fine for us Brits but Americans must have been in trouble.

Lulu on the other hand :wub:

Wow look how far down the slope I am already.

Hey. Some of us have a thing for damaged goods. :shifty:

I think my main problem with XII is that I don't ever feel like I'm accomplishing anything as the game progresses. It's not like in X where you had multiple attempts at defeating Sin and times where you failed, or where you need to go out and save one of your party members. XII felt a lot more like nothing mattered apart from the bit where you save Ashe and the final dungeon. I also didn't have a lot of hate for the main baddie. He was like Seymour not done very well.

...Then again, I could be completely off the mark as I haven't gone through XII all the way since the year it was released.

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I forgot about Fishermans Horizon. Some of my favourite parts in the earlier FFs were going to a calm town where you didn't really need to worry about enemies etc. and just enjoying the music. It's something that I think the PS2 onward games have lacked, mostly because of the lack of a world map. Everything feels a lot more linear when you don't have that option to just hop in your airship, fly to one of the first towns and wander around. Maybe find a few little side quests or get an item that you couldn't earlier. Just stuff like that made the game world feel so much more open and it hurts the FF's to not have it any more. They put so much effort into making nice looking environments, it feels a waste to not be able to return to them at your leisure.

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Hey. Some of us have a thing for damaged goods. :shifty:

I think my main problem with XII is that I don't ever feel like I'm accomplishing anything as the game progresses. It's not like in X where you had multiple attempts at defeating Sin and times where you failed, or where you need to go out and save one of your party members. XII felt a lot more like nothing mattered apart from the bit where you save Ashe and the final dungeon. I also didn't have a lot of hate for the main baddie. He was like Seymour not done very well.

...Then again, I could be completely off the mark as I haven't gone through XII all the way since the year it was released.

The most I've managed in a save file of FFXII is 22 hours before I get the itch to play something else entirely for a while. The combat just became too same-y, the only characters I gave two craps about were Balthier and Old Dalan and the drudgery involved in walking to Archadia eventually bored me to tears. It's on my to-finish list, but considering it's below Oblivion, Valkyria Chronicles and White Knight Chronicles (yes, I have a thing for Chronicles, it seems <_< ), I don't see me finishing it any time soon.

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Has there been any confirmation of an Over World Map in FFXIII? I remember hearing something about it or about a Airship, but I haven't been able to find anything more. There's a cutscene on YouTube of an Airship but I think it's just a cutscene.

...Avoiding spoilers and video footage of this game is hard. March 9th can't get here soon enough.

edit: Benji, I have great respect for you as a poster, a gentlemen and a fan of John Morrison, but you're completely mental if you think You're Not Alone is anywhere near To Zanarkand.

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Eeeeh. I never saw the appeal of FF9. It's okay, I've beaten it (I think), but I never loved it like everyone else did. Better than XII by miles though. Then again, I probably can't be trusted, because I fucking loved Final Fantasy X-2. :shifty:

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Eeeeh. I never saw the appeal of FF9. It's okay, I've beaten it (I think), but I never loved it like everyone else did. Better than XII by miles though. Then again, I probably can't be trusted, because I fucking loved Final Fantasy X-2. :shifty:

I can't even lookat you anymore. :angry:



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Has there been any confirmation of an Over World Map in FFXIII? I remember hearing something about it or about a Airship, but I haven't been able to find anything more. There's a cutscene on YouTube of an Airship but I think it's just a cutscene.

...Avoiding spoilers and video footage of this game is hard. March 9th can't get here soon enough.

edit: Benji, I have great respect for you as a poster, a gentlemen and a fan of John Morrison, but you're completely mental if you think You're Not Alone is anywhere near To Zanarkand.

Oh, I agree with you there. I'm afraid to read reviews in the event it has spoilers. I am avoiding trailers, because the last one I saw spoiled a majorish plot point (I think). I just want this game to blow me away, so I am forcing myself to be kept in the dark....or at least, attempting to.

I will also attempt to do this for Fallout: New Vegas.

Also, X-2 gets way too much hate.

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Luckily, I have trouble figuring out what the fuck is going on in the trailers. I get the feeling that someone dies, but I'm not even sure who because the person I thought it was appears in like every scene anyway. :P All I know is that the guy with the afro is fucking awesome, Lightning seems kick ass and already I feel I'm going to like the bird with the Australian accent and blue hair.

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I had no real qualms with FFX-2: the idea of re-visiting Spira was a welcome one, the new characters were fairly good (except for Shinra...annoying little bastard) and some of the FMV's were epic. Never managed to finish it although I do know the ending, and most of the other surprises (Maechen, for instance), as a friend of mine finished the game in a week and then wouldn't shut up about what happened :angry: . Git.

My lasting memories of the game will come from any scene involving Brother attempting to "woo" Yuna. Comedy gold. :P

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I had no real qualms with FFX-2: the idea of re-visiting Spira was a welcome one, the new characters were fairly good (except for Shinra...annoying little bastard) and some of the FMV's were epic. Never managed to finish it although I do know the ending, and most of the other surprises (Maechen, for instance), as a friend of mine finished the game in a week and then wouldn't shut up about what happened :angry: . Git.

My lasting memories of the game will come from any scene involving Brother attempting to "woo" Yuna. Comedy gold. :P

Brother was an epic addition to the game, and I felt the 100% feature and New Game Plus were some of the best additions to a Final Fantasy in years.

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So, if I actually made a topic that was like a collection of Top 10's from Final Fantasy, would people vote in it? >_> I'm thinking there'd be like...

Top 10 Characters, Top 10 Tracks, Top 10 Games... I dunno. Maybe only those three or just one of them.

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Top Games may be a little limited, but I think "Top 10 Tracks/Characters/Places/Moments might work. In all honesty, I was just mulling the idea over in my head myself so it's nice to see someone thinking along the same lines. (Y)

EDIT: Much love for the new screen name, TKz. :lol:

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