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Yeah, Selphie had her place in the massive orgy of awful that was FFVIII disc 3, and that's coming from someone who champions the shit out of VIII. As far as I'm concerned, the whole "We don't remember because something, something, something GF" part of that arc was absolutely dire, and served no purpose whatsoever then to give the characters some semblance of a backstory, when it really just should've been left to being The Real World: Final Fantasy. VIII's storyline was good up to a point, and then HOLY SHIT WOW POINTLESS VROOOOOM INTO SPACE VROOOOOM SOMETHING, SOMETHING, SOMETHING GF, IT'S ME ALL ALONG! came along and it turned to shit. Selphie was the sore thumb of useless on a whole hand of sore fingers.

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Cid is Balthier's what?! HOLY UNEXPECTED SPOILERS. Spoiling shit that nobody actually gives a fuck about. I can't even quite remember who Cid is. Until I came in here I'd have struggled to remember who Balthier was. The highlight of XII was equipping your entire party with polearms and making them all crowd around one of those friendly rabbit things and beat it to death. And even that got old.

As for Selphie, saying somebody is relevant to the plot of Final Fantasy VIII is like saying that something something analogy to something else fucking shit.

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I'm not bothering with an extra thread, I started an hour or two ago and decided that I cannot be bothered playing the early stages so I'm just going to go from where I was later in the story the first time I play (about to get Reddas into my party) tomorrow, saves time and it's not like I need to remember half the story, I'll read Wikipedia, watch Star Wars and have the gist in time for a blast through this time tomorrow evening :shifty:

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Yeah, XII is Star Wars. Like, in its entirety. Seriously, watch Star Wars and replace the word Jedi with 'sky pirate' and the word wookie with 'weird sexy humanoid rabbit thing' and you've got XII.

I demand to know who Lando Calrissian is in XII.

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I started XII a little last night (to the end of the first hunt) and my god I forgot about the Star Wars links, but all this talk of The Empire and The Imperials just had me sniggering at the blatant parody/plagarism of it all.

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About to fight the Mimic Queen and reading up on tactics, man, having to buy Gambits is so fucking retarded. This is part of the reason Dragon Age works better with this system, because they realised that it makes no sense for you to have to buy instructions for your party members.

edit: apparently, for all the good the guides did, the best option is to just fucking wail on it with Blizzard spells. >_>

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Just beat the Mimic Queen, didn't go with Blizzard spells, Fran blitzed it early with 3 Feral Strike in a row (Along with an Inferno), wiping out her little helpers and then spending the rest of the fight killing the ones she spawned while Vaan, Basch and Balthier beat the shit out of the Queen.

One thing that was annoying me was the constant 'This area will be hard to leave, maybe you should set up a seperate save file'. Every save point for TWO HOURS told me that, if this game had it's way I'd have about 10 different files by now.

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Just beat the Mimic Queen, didn't go with Blizzard spells, Fran blitzed it early with 3 Feral Strike in a row (Along with an Inferno), wiping out her little helpers and then spending the rest of the fight killing the ones she spawned while Vaan, Basch and Balthier beat the shit out of the Queen.

One thing that was annoying me was the constant 'This area will be hard to leave, maybe you should set up a seperate save file'. Every save point for TWO HOURS told me that, if this game had it's way I'd have about 10 different files by now.

I really like Fran's Feral Strike because she has hot legs in sexy stockings.

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eh, I prefer Ashe, the non-rabbitness factor does a lot for me.

Wait.. I'm discussing the hotness of video game characters, it's a slippery slope this (though kuraidark seems to be a lot further down said slope)

Edited by Hugobombski
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eh, I prefer Ashe, the non-rabbitness factor does a lot for me.

I'm discussing the hotness of video game characters, it's a slippery slope this (though kuraidark seems to be a lot further down said slope)

I always forget Ashe exists. ¬_¬

If we're going down this dark route, there's clearly no answer but Rikku & Yuna.

edit: this reminds me of a girl I met in like '07 who had a thing for Yuna and listened to the Zanarkand theme non stop for like 3 months. And I've been in love with her ever since. :blush:

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It is one of the better songs to come out of FF, but nothing will ever top Balamb Garden for me. I think it's just where I used to stop playing FF8 and go on the computer and always just stay standing around in Balamb when I was younger, but it's like a track on the OST to my childhood.

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