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...well if it's on PSN and you can buy it there, then why are we saying Square doesn't love to print money? <_<

I think the basis of the "ps1 ff remakes plzzzz" movement comes from people just wanting to see VII, VIII, and IX remade with the advanced graphics and audio improvements brought to the series by X - XIII. Square has shown that with enough time and effort, they could conceivably remake the first two PSX games at least; as seen here for FF7 and here for FF8. I think in the end, it's all about whether or not SE sees it as worth their time; if, in fact, they're aiming to have FFXIII last gamers a decade, perhaps that would be the perfect time to focus on the possibility of remaking them?

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The reason VIII is taking so long is bug issues (supposedly), there were some issues with the EU conversion supposedly, how true that is is another issue, but it's from the EU PlayStation Blog. It's almost definitely out this month according to the last post on the issue.

Also, if they do the same with IX, people at Sony and Square-Enix will be dying very slow and painful black mage like deaths from an airship :angry:

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Am I the only one who doesn't want to see a VII remake?

I'd be lying if I said that I wouldn't wet my pants and start screeching like a little girl if they announced it, but I'd rather they didn't. A big part of the charm (for me at least) of FFVII was the style of the game. I think it'd lose a lot of what made it so fun to play if they updated and remade it. I'd especially miss some of the glitches. :( Whatever would I do without my 99 Megalixers!?

Also there's a serious lack of Legend of Dragoon love in the world. Am I the only one that played and enjoyed that game? I'd love for them to re-release it, it's near impossible to find a PAL version that's remotely cheap.

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Yeah, every time I've replayed it I always start losing towards the end of the first disk, or somewhere in the second disk. I always forget. Which is a shame because it really was quite fun, it just didn't really have anything in particular that kept me hooked after a while of playing. :( I'd be totally up for buying it if they ever released it on PSN though.

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Am I the only one who doesn't want to see a VII remake?

I'd be lying if I said that I wouldn't wet my pants and start screeching like a little girl if they announced it, but I'd rather they didn't. A big part of the charm (for me at least) of FFVII was the style of the game. I think it'd lose a lot of what made it so fun to play if they updated and remade it. I'd especially miss some of the glitches. sad.gif Whatever would I do without my 99 Megalixers!?

Also there's a serious lack of Legend of Dragoon love in the world. Am I the only one that played and enjoyed that game? I'd love for them to re-release it, it's near impossible to find a PAL version that's remotely cheap.

I agree, it'd probably end up losing its charm.

Personally I'd miss being able to name the characters(I mostly now remember them by their personally given names and not their real ones) and I'd miss imaging the voices instead of hearing them and them not matching up to what you pictured in your head when playing it.

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I recently got my copy of XII back after having swapped it for my friend's copy of IX for something like a year and a half... But to play it, I'd have to switch over the wires behind my TV and plug the dusty old PS2 back in, since my PS3 isn't backwards compatible.

I know what you're saying: "hardly any trouble at all". But it's amazing how the knowledge that I'd have to expend just that tiny little extra bit of effort can swiftly cause me not to be arsed. :shifty:

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I tried to replay FFXII recently. Then I remembered why I couldn't even be arsed to beat in the first place. >_>

Balthier cannot make up for me not caring about the rest of the characters or why anything was happening. I just couldn't get into FFXII at all, no matter how many times I try or how low my expectations are when I pop the disk back in again.

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Fran was fucking dire, even Penelo had her place at the later levels, Fran was just, y'know, there. I hate how every FF has a completely disposable character; Cait Sith, Selphie, Amarant (sort of, he did have his place in the story, and he was alrightish in battle, but IX was generally the exception to prove the rule), Kimahri. Every damn time it's as though square just had some pixels left over and decided to do fuck all with them. >_>

But XII is amazing, and damn you anyone who says different. I mean, yeah, it's got the plot of Star Wars and the espers are the most useless summon's in FF history, but god damn I loved it and everything in it. I'd be up for a playalong for sure. :)

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I was gonna start 12 last night but fell asleep really early for hangover related reasons, I am thinking of starting it tonight but I have a job interview at half 12 tomorrow so I need to sit and be happy with my responses to the questions. If I start I will keep you informed of my progress :)

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Mate, whatttt? Selphie had her place in the kind've retarded backstory off 'WE WERE ALL AT AN OPRHANAGE TOGETHER!' ;o She was also awesome. >_> And Kimahri was Yuna's first gaurdian or whatever and had some place in the story thanks to his Mt. Gazagat backstory.

No matter how many times I play FFXII, the battle system always kills it for me. It doesn't even really make sense, as I love it in Dragon Age and that's basically the exact same style. I might join in the playalong, but I'll start from when I retried like two months ago. (Just after the waterways, I think. When Balthier joins your party)

I remember my interest peaked at around the whole CID IS BALTHIERS FATHER point. Then I reached the final area (the massive dungeon/tower), I got to the second to last room before the boss and had 0 potions left and couldn't really do anything. I couldn't survive to the next room, if I did, I'd die against boss because I was wrecked to shit with no way of healing, and I couldn't make it back to a save crystal or to the outside without dying.

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