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So, as ridiculous as this sounds, how on Earth do I upgrade my character classes in Final Fantasy I. I have a huge cache of weapons and armour that I can't use yet because they're still only in their original classes, and that's not to mention the magic I can't get yet. >_>

Rat Tail -> Bahamut

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So, as ridiculous as this sounds, how on Earth do I upgrade my character classes in Final Fantasy I. I have a huge cache of weapons and armour that I can't use yet because they're still only in their original classes, and that's not to mention the magic I can't get yet. >_>

Rat Tail -> Bahamut

I have to say, that explained nothing. I have the Rat Tail though, where's bahamut?

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Reading up on FFXIII, it looks to be terrific, I tried not to read anything majorly spoilery, just minor tidbits but they've got me madly excited for it. I like the concept behind all the characters, doesn't look like there's going to be any randomly inserted characters to make up numbers (I'm looking at you Penelo) and I really love Hope's potential story, as well as their choice of his Eidolon :)

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They cut a ton of stuff from FF13 ("a full game worth of contened")... expect that to pop up as DLC during the next 10 years.

Source: http://www.joystiq.com/2010/01/13/square-enix-cut-a-games-worth-of-content-from-final-fantasy-xii/

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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I've never been sure how wise Square-Enix are to printing money. Whether you think the game would be a good idea or not, there's no way that a remake of FF7 wouldn't make several tonnes of cash, yet they've steered well clear of that road.

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I've never been sure how wise Square-Enix are to printing money. Whether you think the game would be a good idea or not, there's no way that a remake of FF7 wouldn't make several tonnes of cash, yet they've steered well clear of that road.

Yeah, if there's one thing Square has stayed away from, it's whoring out Final Fantasy VII for money through movies, merchandise, spin-offs for multiple platforms...

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You think? I thought most of the spin-offs were average-to-dreadful. Advent Children was alright as an animation showcase and a little bit of fanservice, but as a story and as a continuation of the Final Fantasy 7 plot, it was pointless. Crisis Core was okay, but a little too po-faced - it seemed to forget that one of the things that made Final Fantasy VII charming was that it had a nice offbeat sense of humour to balance out the darker and deeper parts of the story, and it just didn't really seem to add anything we didn't already know, and only really served to muddy the waters.

And don't get me started on Dirge Of Cerberus. Completely bastardising the Vincent character by turning him from a reluctant saviour to GUNG-HO GUN HERO SAVES THE DAY with a voice like Solid Snake, and generally being nothing like anything that made us like Vincent as a character in the first place, while simultaneously confusing his backstory even more than it already was. The whole thing was largely awful.

If Squeenix genuinely don't intend to make another complete Final Fantasy game, then I wouldn't be surprised to see a remake of FFVII pop along, until then, I don't see it.

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Advent Children was finishing Cloud's story, we never got proper closure on his issues as a person, there was the revelation of who he really was, but outside of that and beating Sephiroth he didn't actually alter himself, he was still a loner whose story was basically designed to end in being part of something bigger but never quite finished. Crisis Core was amazing to me and I find it to be one of the most enjoyable in the entire series of FF games, sure it's repetetive in terms of percentage complete missions, but the story itself is solid and, again, brings a nice sense of completion (as well as addition) to the whole series - it gives more explanation as to why Sephiroth went from obedient SOLDIER to absolute maniac who burned town an entire town just because he felt they were unworthy (and the fact that I adored Zack, Angeal and Genesis was helpful).

Dirge was ridiculous, the gameplay was fun but the story was just an excuse to have a Vincent game and include Omega, but I didn't so much mind because, like I say, I enjoyed the gameplay - it just should've been a non-FF title.

The idea itself that Square-Enix wouldn't make another FF itself is ludicrous, they've been saying it since XI was first announced and I expect they'll be saying it for many years yet, you don't shoot your prize cow, you breed it, raise it, milk it and repeat.

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Crisis Core was the single most underwhelming gaming experience of my life. That being said, the fights with Sephiroth were absolutely glorious, and I genuinely marked the fuck out when I came across the first Guard Scorpion. The storyline was average at best and the gameplay left a lot to be desired. It was good fun on the train to-and-from college when I first got it, but I genuinely had no desire to touch it again after I first completed it.

Oh, and the constant barrage of mildly-homoerotic texts/e-mails you kept getting from fellow Soldier members? Wonderful, wonderful.

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Honestly, though, I think that if the PSP would've taken off like the DS and GBA did, we'd be seeing a Final Fantasy VII handheld remake. Square LOVES those handheld remakes, and we've seen the entire series on the GBA and DS--including Chrono Trigger, which is better than any entry in the Final Fantasy franchise. The DS obviously couldn't handle a remake of a CD-based game on a tiny lil' cartridge, which pretty much leaves the PSP (a ludicrously smaller market) as the only handheld option. They already put Tactics on the PSP, but that was a smaller franchise. I don't think Square would want to re-release Final Fantasy VII unless they're sure it would do monster numbers, and there's frankly no practical console that offers that option.

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Honestly, though, I think that if the PSP would've taken off like the DS and GBA did, we'd be seeing a Final Fantasy VII handheld remake. Square LOVES those handheld remakes, and we've seen the entire series on the GBA and DS--including Chrono Trigger, which is better than any entry in the Final Fantasy franchise. The DS obviously couldn't handle a remake of a CD-based game on a tiny lil' cartridge, which pretty much leaves the PSP (a ludicrously smaller market) as the only handheld option. They already put Tactics on the PSP, but that was a smaller franchise. I don't think Square would want to re-release Final Fantasy VII unless they're sure it would do monster numbers, and there's frankly no practical console that offers that option.

Well, 7 is already on the PSN, so while not a remake, you can download it for the PSP for £7.99

Also I quite enjoyed Dirge of Cerberus. :(

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VIII is also on PSN in Japan and USA, but apparently the American and European versions of VIII are so widly different that we need to wait at least a month after they get before we can get it. I want one good reason why we havn't gotten it yet aside from 'fuck you Europe you'll get it when you've begged enough'

Edited by Hugobombski
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Er... fuck you Europe you'll get it when you've begged enough? >_>

I think there's a licensing issue or something there. I think it's the same reason that there was like a year's wait for Capcom to release Resident Evil 2 on PSN in America after Japan had gotten it on theirs.

Besides, I only really see the time difference between game releases as a problem when they're new games - like having to avoid anything about FFXIII right now because it was released in Japan last month, but won't come out in America until March.

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