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It depends on what sort of game you play. I usually have Zidane, Steiner, Vivi and Garnet but that's just because I started the game with them. The party I have in my most recent game is Zidane (guaranteed 9999 hits with Thievery), Freya (guaranteed 9999 hits with one of her Dragoon attacks), Quina (Bonus healing if needed, guaranteed 9999 hits with Frog Drop), and Eiko (Phoenix, which is dead useful, keep all of your phoenix pinions - and Full-Life and Curaga, plus she can kick ass with Holy).

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Last time out I usually used Zidane, Vivi, Steiner and Quina towards the end, especially when I was rinsing the optional bosses and stuff like Ozma. Quina, levelled appropriately and casting Magic Hammer, is essential for helping neutralise said boss' threat, while Vivi casts magic (IIRC I subbed him for Amarant and a year's supply of dark matter against Ozma) Zidane supports and Steiner uses either Shock or Climhazzard. Garnet falls behind due to her annoying 'oops, lol, am distracted' stuff that falls slap-bang when I do most of my serious levelling, Eiko is really only useful for white magic and not for summoning which is cool and all but when you get to 60+ generally you should have enough Elixirs/Mega-Potions to see you through, and Freya is completely meh later on.

Anyhow, this play-through I'm doing without any help from a guide/FAQ/cheat-sheet, which I usually consult just to check what rare/cool items are in an area to make sure I'm thorough and some boss-related info if I keep dying. So far I forgot to get my Moonstone from Brahne (and after impressing all 100 of those cocking noblemen to boot) and a bunch of other swag went missing too, although I did manage to remember where the Zaghnol is in the Festival of the Hunt and thus win that. Am currently hanging out in Burmecia with Stiltzkin, waiting for Beatrice to hand me my nuts on a platter.

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I've decided that I'm gonna give FFXII another go... it still irks me that I never got around to finishing it. >_>

Well, on that note - Ollie, you know of any good level-up spots anywhere in the early parts of the game? Last game I had, I barely made it past the first Judge fight and keep dying at the Garuda fight.

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If you can stand grinding until you're level 10 or so in the Estersands, Giza Plains, and Westersands (be careful there, though, you can get jumped), then do the storyline stuff until you can get into Lhusu Mines, then just grind against the skeletons on the bridge. Thats what I normally do. In the early game, in the Estersands, near the village, two Icthons spawn that are pretty easy to kill and give around 100 exp, which speeds things up a little bit. Save your money, don't upgrade weapons in Rabanastre or the village either, and go to Nalbina, and you'll be set.

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Hmm... I'd suggest bumping up a few levels in the Eastersands first, then fight some of the nasties in the Westersands as they offer a tad more EXP and are a tad more fun to fight. That's probably the earliest place I'd suggest lvling up. Going a bit further on you should most definitely stick around the Ogir-Yensa and the Nam-Yensa Sandseas for a couple hours. The Urutan are pretty weak (except for the bastard tri-attack which is nasty) and they offer up pretty good gil and EXP, they're also pretty much the only enemies in the Sandsea bar Yensa's and the Alarune's, which means it's dead easy to get a chain of 100+ going meaning you'll also get some good loot. After that, the Ozmone Plains are FANTASTIC for leveling up, especially Zaghnol's, who are right bastards to start off with, but they can drop some valuable stuff and they offer up good EXP.

So yeah, early on I'd suggest the Westersand, the Sandsea and a bit later on the Ozomone Plain. That's where the gils at.

Also, make sure you chain some of the Alarune's in the Sandsea, I'm pretty sure they're found on the first couple screens. They drop Succulent Fruit, and each one sells for 333gil. It doesn't sound like a lot, but early on in XII money is a bitch, and so they're pretty valuable, especially for how easy they are to get.

That was my advice for Benji t'other day.

I seem to be the XII Oracle around these parts. I can't tell if that's good or bad.

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As soon as you get to somewhere like Ogir-Yensa, Golmore Jungle or anywhere with humanoid enemies (inc. skeletons), money is easy to come by. Not only do they tend to drop little bits of gil, they also drop pretty damn good loot that's very worthwhile for the early parts of the game. I plan on finishing XII at some point in the next couple weeks, and by that I mean killing Mr. Yiazmat.

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The next issue of V-Jump magazine has the scoop on three characters that appear in the upcoming Final Fantasy XIII demo, set to be included in Final Fantasy Advent Children Complete. From left to right, we've got Rebro, Gadou, and Marquis, each of which will be playable in the demo. All three are supposedly part of "Team Nora," which is lead by Snow Villiers.


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It seems that Nintendo's recently discovered trademark for "The After Years" was, in fact, referencing a Wii port of the cell-phone based follow-up to the SNES role-playing classic Final Fantasy IV. An ESRB rating for the sequel confirms that the game will be hitting North American Wiis, though a time frame for its release, or even its release format (retail? WiiWare?) has yet to be revealed. The ESRB stamped the title with an E rating, as it doesn't classify the frequent usage of the word "spoony" as inappropriate for adolescent ears.

Final Fantasy IV: The After Years, which was released in an episodic fashion on a number of Japanese mobile platforms last year, follows the exploits of Ceodore (the progeny of FFIV protagonists Cecil and Rosa) nearly 17 years after the events of the original game. It'll also feature appearances from other major characters from the SNES title -- well, the ones who survived, anyway. Those who played the title will recall that FFIV was somewhat Hamlet-esque in its final body count.

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So, I spotted FFXI cheap from a PlayTrader and decided to go ahead and plunge again (bought it once before, but it was base game and one expansion), this time I'll have a PC that can keep up with the specs and that I've developed a love for playing RPG's on, so I won't give up after a couple of hours. Reports will ensue on how annoying it is within the week.

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It seems that Nintendo's recently discovered trademark for "The After Years" was, in fact, referencing a Wii port of the cell-phone based follow-up to the SNES role-playing classic Final Fantasy IV. An ESRB rating for the sequel confirms that the game will be hitting North American Wiis, though a time frame for its release, or even its release format (retail? WiiWare?) has yet to be revealed. The ESRB stamped the title with an E rating, as it doesn't classify the frequent usage of the word "spoony" as inappropriate for adolescent ears.

Final Fantasy IV: The After Years, which was released in an episodic fashion on a number of Japanese mobile platforms last year, follows the exploits of Ceodore (the progeny of FFIV protagonists Cecil and Rosa) nearly 17 years after the events of the original game. It'll also feature appearances from other major characters from the SNES title -- well, the ones who survived, anyway. Those who played the title will recall that FFIV was somewhat Hamlet-esque in its final body count.

Didn't the majority of the people who "died" in FFIV refuse to stay dead? It got kind of annoying, really.
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So... FFXI is kind of fun, I can't see it becoming any kind of favourite, but it had its plus points, but just starting off takes fucking forever, there's no tutorial so you're basically learning everything by yourself, but I've wasted a few hours just grinding, so it can't be all bad.

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