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In the end I got that and FF Tactics. Tactics was £14.99 new, only £2 more than pre-owned so I got that, then it was a toss-up between III and IV. I went for IV.

Started with Tactics and enjoying it, but since I moved my bedroom around the free wall sockets are now at the other end of the room. Thus minimising 'lay and play' sessions to a few hours tops. :(

You talking about the Advance series, or the War of the Lions remake of the original. BTW, how are those games. I've only played the original PS1 version of the game.

I've only played the PS1 version of FFT as well; but my cousin has a PSP and War of the Lions, literally about a half a minute' walk away from this computer... I guess I just never got around to playing it. >_>

Anyway, I ordered the DS remake of FFIV a few moments ago. I played about an hour of the SNES version a few days ago, and it made me think about getting that - that, and I haven't gotten a new DS game in eons, despite having owned the damned thing since about 2005. Still works as well as the day I got it. I'm also thinking of picking up the DS remake of FFIII after I can get to the bank.

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I forgot how baaaad I am at Tactics.

EDIT: *grabby hands* Do waaaant: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/comm...XII_Potions.jpg

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I was thinking, with Ollie's play-along, it might be interesting to try doing all of the main series FF's, since they're all somewhat available right now, maybe do one a month as a vague countdown to XIII (though likely we'll ignore XI because... well... does anyone here play it?). Anyone up for it?

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I'd certainly join in for VI and VIII. Because damn it if I haven't just completely failed to get more than a few hours into either of those games.

...I know, the multitudes of VI and VIII (especially VIII) fanboys are going to hit me. :shifty: It's nothing to do with the games themselves - I remember when I used to lose interest in VII around the time I first got to Aerith's house. It's just me and, um, my uselessness. >_>

Don't own I - V though. Oh well.

Edited by stokeriño
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