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Quickly good fellows, do I play...


I've only ever beaten IX once, but the story has failed to captivate me to continue in the past, where as I've beaten VII hundreds of times, but I love the story and the materia system is probally my favourite Magic system ever. Also I don't think I've ever done any of the side stuff on IX, where as I've done everything there is to do in VII without beating Ruby and Emerald. So, I honestly can't pick myself.

Help me EWB, you're my only hope.

EDIT: Damn you PkmnTrainerJ for also adding X-2 to my list of games I wanna play... and I don't think my copy works properly either. :(

Edited by Vladimir TKzlov
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Going in town soon and thinking of picking up a retro Final Fantasy for the DS, which is the best one?

I'm including all the numbered series (III, IV etc.) as well as Tactics, but excluding FF6 because I just beat that and don't fancy doing it again, despite it being awesome. Oh, and Fire Emblem is in stock so I'm including that too if anyones played it/heard about it.

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Is it wrong that I generally can't stand FFX? I mean, the first time I played it was fun because it was all fresh and new and whatnot, but I just haven't been able to bring myself to play it since, whereas every other FF game has at least caught my attention for 2/3 playthroughs. If I had to put them in order it'd be...


VIII and XII are pretty interchangeable, because whilst I adore XII with all my heart and soul (as you all know), there's just something about VIII that won't let me say no. Same with IX and VII, they're so close in content, quality, storyline, characters and pretty much everything that the idea of separating them in terms of quality is just way too hard to do.

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FF XII is the one I really can't get in to it's the grinding involved in going through different places so that enemies can respawn. I was way in to it I had just beat Ifrit and then lost my save and had overlevelled so that I could go through it and can't seem to get back in to completing it. Even thinking of just getting a cheat save from the start of the game just so I can see what happens. :(

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FF XII is the one I really can't get in to it's the grinding involved in going through different places so that enemies can respawn. I was way in to it I had just beat Ifrit and then lost my save and had overlevelled so that I could go through it and can't seem to get back in to completing it. Even thinking of just getting a cheat save from the start of the game just so I can see what happens. :(

I've never beaten XII either. I reached the very final place, the like... top floor of the dungeoun, but I had saved and lacked healing items, so I had no way of getting to the top with everyone alive and I couldn't leave the damn place without dying and returning to save point. therefore: never beaten. :(

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There's a simple problem with FFXII, it's the same as FFXI, they shouldn't have been numerical Final Fantasy games, FFXI should've just been "Final Fantasy: Online" and FFXII should've been given the Vagrant Story branding, by giving it the Final Fantasy title it comes with certain expectations of style, and I just don't feel either of them fill those expectations.

Being clear, I'm not saying they're bad games by any means, I DID enjoy FFXII (just not the amount I would like) and FFXI was just never that much of an interest to me.

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In the end I got that and FF Tactics. Tactics was £14.99 new, only £2 more than pre-owned so I got that, then it was a toss-up between III and IV. I went for IV.

Started with Tactics and enjoying it, but since I moved my bedroom around the free wall sockets are now at the other end of the room. Thus minimising 'lay and play' sessions to a few hours tops. :(

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In the end I got that and FF Tactics. Tactics was £14.99 new, only £2 more than pre-owned so I got that, then it was a toss-up between III and IV. I went for IV.

Started with Tactics and enjoying it, but since I moved my bedroom around the free wall sockets are now at the other end of the room. Thus minimising 'lay and play' sessions to a few hours tops. :(

You talking about the Advance series, or the War of the Lions remake of the original. BTW, how are those games. I've only played the original PS1 version of the game.

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