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I just started X-2 over again, this time using a walkthrough so I can get a 100% completion. I missed a lot of stuff the first time around, and this time I'd like to experience the whole game. I think I'll tackle V when I'm done, as I've yet to play it.

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So what is everyone playing right now? And where are you?

I'm doing VIII and at the beginning of the first SeeD mission.

Just got onto Disc 3 of VIII, working towards completing 100% (except for the card quests, as I think I've already missed most of it :()

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Guest Enter White Guy

Currently playing Final Fantasy 12. One of the best if you ask me. Nearly at the end of it I think... I am stuck on the second last boss which is a bit annoying.

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Are you sure you mean XII when saying one of the best?

I rate XII as the best FF game in terms of gameplay, side quests, graphics, junctioning, storyline, weaponry and overall replayability. The only thing it's beaten on is characterization.

Edit: And by graphics I don't mean the actual graphics, because that goes without saying, as it has the best engine of the lot. I mean in terms of the way things look, the towns, the architecture and the like.

When I was younger I never got the junctioning part of VIII, now I find it makes the game easy early on.

Oh totally. If you get the Quistis card early on (get it from one of the blokes in the cafeteria), you can get 180 triples really early. Junction them to either HP, Strength or Vitality and you'll pretty much be invincible until disc 2.

Edited by Ollie
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XII is tedious, it has great side quests and potential replayability, but it doesn't have interesting characters outside Balthier and its levelling leaves a lot to be desired, also, I hate the Gambit system, it removes the "oh fuck" element of surprise gameplay IMO, making it very much an effort to play through. It's not awful, but I think my comparison to an orgy earlier in the thread best describes my feelings on the game.

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XII was a huge letdown for me, I bought into the hype and while I'll admit that buying into the hype is foolish and is usually a setup for a letdown I thought XII would be different. Everything I read and heard made it seem as though it was going to be THE BEST FINAL FANTASY YET~! and when I finally got ahold of it, it was just.. there. It wasn't bad. It wasn't good/great. Just there. I'd rather go back and play V/VI/VII etc.

Speaking of which after I tire of Army of Two I think I'm gonna pick IX back up. And maybe see about getting my copy of VII back.

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Yeah, same here Cloudy, I don't feel strongly against the game (except Gambits, I **really** don't like them, I want to play the game, not watch it and occasionally add in a cure spell or some crap), I feel bad because FFXII is over a YEAR old and I still haven't even finished the main story, which I generally do on FF's in a month or so max. I want to complete it, I just can't be bothered, y'know?

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I love random battles, I know how much people dislike them, but to me there was a large degree of fun in the system and I loved FFX's timing system, I thought they'd finally made their best effort on that account. Personally I don't care for World Maps, it always feels weird having an entire world with about twenty single cities on, I think Final Fantasy Tactics Advance has the best World Map style, barring the fact you have to place your own locations.

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Caves are quite a pain, especially without a minimap or some way to know where you're supposed to be going. Hey, let's run around looking for the exit/an item/an enemy for thirty minutes! Hooray!

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Has anyone got Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life As A King from WiiWare? I downloaded it a couple of days ago and I think it's a lot of fun. It's one of those games where you keep saying "I'll just do one more day", then you find you've lost four hours of your life.

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