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The best goalie is Jumal, at the Killika docks. He starts out with the Super Goalie ability...

And by shut-out, I mean get the ref to call off the game because you score too much...

Is that even possible? I remember winning a game by the score of like, 11-0 because I had Tidus about 15 levels higher then everyone else.

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The best goalie is Jumal, at the Killika docks. He starts out with the Super Goalie ability...

And by shut-out, I mean get the ref to call off the game because you score too much...

Is that even possible? I remember winning a game by the score of like, 11-0 because I had Tidus about 15 levels higher then everyone else.

Perhaps I'm confusing X with X-2... I definitely remember having a game called off after I scored 7-0...
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So I'm thinking FFVIII has beaten out both XII and VII as my favourite Final Fantasy game ever. The characters are spot-on, there's no hangers on storyline-wise, the graphics and landscapes are amazing, the junctioning is a little annoying sometimes, but can be brilliant if used correctly, the enemies are lovely and the storyline is brilliant.

Fuck XII & VII, Final Fantasy VIII is the only Final Fantasy. Ever.

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I love Ollie :wub:


I also forgot how awesome most of the GFs are. Especially the "secret" ones. Doomtrain, Eden, Diabolos, Cactaur, King Tonberry, they are all wonderful.

I've just got onto Disc 2, in D-District, and having not played it about 6-7 years, i'm only remembering tiny little bits. I just hope to God that the second half of disc 3 isn't the absolutely clusterfuck I remember it to be. I mean, going into space was pretty cool, but I remember after that it was just a complete "...wtf?" with all the orphans and the "OMG! Coincidence!" angle going on.

Plus, Irvine is the balls. I love the whole "I just want to have fun until you question my ability" character he's got. He wants to go out, chug a few beers, meet a lady, wake up with a hangover and kick back. But if someone calls him out on it, he'll fucking shoot you. And Quistis' constant jealousy of Rinoa until disc 2 is wonderful. As is Seifer's "I'd rather be known for being a cunt than forgotten for being a saint" mindset. I just wish Seifer had been given a bigger role after the whole Adel (i think that's the one, my mind's on the blink a bit) dealio, IIRC he seems to get lost in a heel-for-heel's-sake rut around then. On top of all that, I don't think there's been another FF that's managed to nail every characters soft/serious side so well. I mean, it's really the first game where they all seem truly human (and not just because as they, because lets face it - the reason everyone loves Vivi is because he's so human) , and all seem to have a sense of humour and a weakness and the like. There's not a single character (even Squall) who doesn't seem to enjoy themselves at some point in the game.

I can see why people don't like it as much as others, as in the same vein as XII, it seems to break away from the FF mold on occassion, but overall, it's just a sublime game.

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I love FFVIII, but it has some real design flaws that stop it being as replayable as others, and that's my problem, it's not a bad game, it's just the more I play it the more I see it's bad parts (and good parts, of course). The story itself is one of my favourites and I adore the battle system (with a bit of tweaking the Junction system could've been one of the series' best), but the menu's feel clunky and the game overall feels too rough around the edges.

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I'm so happy. Three years ago I was half way through disc two of FFVIII and lost disc three so didn't bother continuing. The other day I found it whilst cleaning out the top of my wardrobe - when I'm finished with my absurd amount of assignments I can finally get cracking again (after a long break between innings).

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I forgot how totally fucked up FFVII gets... spoilered, because you never know...

Between Aeris dying, Cloud giving Sephiroth the black materia, Meteor being summoned, finding Cloud catatonic, WEAPONs attacking everywhere, Tifa giving up on everything, Barret realising he isn't a leader and people still not trusting Cait Sith it's amazing this game doesn't make every single character kill themselves, I mean really, it's so depressing when you're playing it, but you can't stop because you just don't want to accept that it's so fucked up. Obviously I know what happens, but I still played for almost straight today from Aeris dying to reviving Cloud, just so I could end the day of game playing on a good note.
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I remember playing through that part, also all in a day. It's a real bummer.

Luckily, I never build Aeris up as an uber-character, so it's not a major hit to my party... but when Cloud and Tifa were removed for a short while, I got owned horribly by Ultimate Weapon.

Also, for later on, fuck Carry Armor. Fuck it in whatever orifice it has on its person. That thing's always been a crap shoot fight for me. It's one of those few fights where I consider an all-out assault (which, to me, means using the most powerful healing items I've got, using Ethers on a regular basis, my most powerful status-curers and causers, damaging items, Limits, huge-cost summons, etc.) okay.

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Eugh. Random sucks the worst possible balls.

I liked the card game when it became, for all intents and purposes, a speed game for me. Guaranteed victory, but how long does it take?

Seriously - I'd have like Diablos, Ifrit, Rinoa, Seifer, and Quistis against some random douchenozzle's Fastitocalon, Belhemel, <insert three other monsters here> cards.

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Grr the card games always frustrated me in VIII as I would always end up losing my best cards due to shitty rule changes. Also I never had much success when using the Card command during a fight. I can remember trying it quite a few times before deciding to give up on it.

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