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Just about to enter the moon dungeon on Final Fantasy 4. And as blasphemous as it might sound, I think FF4 might be one of my least favorite Final Fantasy games. It just doesn't do it for me for whatever reason. 

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11 hours ago, Kaney said:

Fuck me, every single mini game in X can die in a fire.


I distinctly remember completing the "finish race in under zero seconds" task on my PS2 in the early 2000s and declaring "thank fuck I never have to do that again".

Fast forward a decade to the HD Remaster, and I had to curse my earlier hubris.

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The chocobo race is one I weirdly never had much bother with, either back in the day or my replays on PS4/Switch. Now butterfly catching and lightning dodging, those can get all the way in the bin.

I've been replaying VIII over the last week, currently on disc 2 having just left FH and I maintain it's the worst Final Fantasy. The junction system sucks, the story has a decent opening and then devolves into genuine batshittery, none of the main cast are particularly likable, there's a bunch of twists thrown in with no rhyme or reason, and it has the distinct disadvantage of being sandwiched between VII and IX.

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It's been ages since I touched a Final Fantasy game but I have genuinely enjoyed X, it's not even felt like a chore grinding a bit but the fuckin mini games are so bad, it's frustrating they're tied to so many of the ultimate weapons.

3 hours ago, probablyoliver said:

The chocobo race is one I weirdly never had much bother with, either back in the day or my replays on PS4/Switch. Now butterfly catching and lightning dodging, those can get all the way in the bin.

I've been replaying VIII over the last week, currently on disc 2 having just left FH and I maintain it's the worst Final Fantasy. The junction system sucks, the story has a decent opening and then devolves into genuine batshittery, none of the main cast are particularly likable, there's a bunch of twists thrown in with no rhyme or reason, and it has the distinct disadvantage of being sandwiched between VII and IX.

I always really liked VIII and couldn't ever get into IX. I might need to give it a proper go after I finish with this.


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4 hours ago, probablyoliver said:

The chocobo race is one I weirdly never had much bother with, either back in the day or my replays on PS4/Switch. Now butterfly catching and lightning dodging, those can get all the way in the bin.

I've been replaying VIII over the last week, currently on disc 2 having just left FH and I maintain it's the worst Final Fantasy. The junction system sucks, the story has a decent opening and then devolves into genuine batshittery, none of the main cast are particularly likable, there's a bunch of twists thrown in with no rhyme or reason, and it has the distinct disadvantage of being sandwiched between VII and IX.

You're the worst Final Fantasy! 

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34 minutes ago, Bobfoc said:

Final Fantasy XIV is coming to Xbox. I assumed it would never happen because it's been so long since it initially launched.

And apparently the free trial is going to include up to Stormblood expansion. I got part way through Stormblood before I burned myself out on the game sadly (played it at the start of COVID, which was good for feelings of loneliness). It's a good game, beautiful art and music.


I wonder if it would come to gamepass...

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Thinking I'm nearing the end of 16. Just unlocked the final Eikon ability, and it's pretty cool. The set up I'm rocking is:


Phoenix with the first special you get and the spinning strike, Bahamut with the auto-hit ability and Gigaflare, and now trying out Odin. Seems pretty powerful, but it is missing a big AOE attack (like I had with Titan and Shiva)


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Final Fantasy XVI Ending



I was fine with it to start with I guess. I wanted a happier ending for my guy but at least I gave the world hope. The new baby was born and the people had a chance. I didn't get to end up with Jill but it was a heroic sacrifice so cool right?

But then WTF was the post credit scene? Was none of the stuff I did actually real? It was just a book these two hopeless kids were reading? Like their world was bleak and they wish they were magic like all the characters? Is it a metaphor like am I these kids because I just played this long game wishing I could do magic too? Did I just play through someone's weird fanfic because it was by Joshua Rosfield and there was a powerful character with that name?

Can someone please explain this to me? It really took away a lot of the love I had for the game, but maybe if it made sense to me I'd be happy again. However as it stands I don't like it at all and kind of feel like all I did was for nothing.


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Expanding on my last post about the FF16 ending


Ok I just watched a video explaining the post credit scene and I was way off. I guess it's actually the world we played in but a couple 100 years in the future. Everyone thinks magic is a myth but the book is actually a true story written by a character who was there and they just used Joshua's name as the author. That's actually pretty cool and I'm back on board with the game being good again :P 


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2 hours ago, Your Mom said:

Expanding on my last post about the FF16 ending

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Ok I just watched a video explaining the post credit scene and I was way off. I guess it's actually the world we played in but a couple 100 years in the future. Everyone thinks magic is a myth but the book is actually a true story written by a character who was there and they just used Joshua's name as the author. That's actually pretty cool and I'm back on board with the game being good again :P 


I'm cool with any game with a Josh in it :shifty:

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13 hours ago, Your Mom said:

Expanding on my last post about the FF16 ending

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Ok I just watched a video explaining the post credit scene and I was way off. I guess it's actually the world we played in but a couple 100 years in the future. Everyone thinks magic is a myth but the book is actually a true story written by a character who was there and they just used Joshua's name as the author. That's actually pretty cool and I'm back on board with the game being good again :P 


That's how I took the ending, especially because...



There was a side quest where you get an old book, it was about Bearers, and how they were "blessed" and basically ruled things. But it was from quite some time ago, to the point that history was forgotten.


Overall, I really liked it. Not my favorite Final Fantasy, but it was a really good game. It was one hell of a spectacle.

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