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Gave me more of a Witcher 3 vibe than a Devil May Cry vibe, so I’m happy about that.  Probably won’t pick it up at launch unless it gets some incredible praise, but the demo definitely piqued my interest.

Well, the demo piqued my interest after it stopped insisting on telling me what the goddamn start button did.

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My feeling is I'm probably going to wait until it drops around $40 but what I've played of the demo feels really promising. I love the "hey, there's a lot of fantasy bullshit in this, if you press the touchpad you can refresh yourself on which kingdom is which and get more lore details" feature.

Also watched some of an interview with the dude who plays Clive and he's very endearing and sells the game well. Apparently FFVIII was his first Final Fantasy and he named all his summons after Pokemon.

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I'm glad they put out a demo, just like they did with VII Remake and their recent Switch games. Square Enix might be a bunch of sods when it comes to the continued backing of NFTs, but letting people try games before buying them is a good move.

I really wish more companies would release free demos before their games come out. I understand that the time it takes to program in accurate parameters that can't be bypassed in an open world game might be better spent elsewhere, but in a purely chapter/level-based game, it should be easy. It's both a sign of confidence in the product and a potential way of enticing in those who might not have previously given it a look.

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On 15/06/2023 at 18:50, Bobfoc said:

I'm glad they put out a demo

Back in the day I'd buy so many games based on playing demos. UFC Undisputed, Kula World, Ape Escape, Tombi, Evil Zone, MediEvil Klonoa, Tony Hawk all off the top of my head were purchased based on or encouraged by great demos.

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I've played about 3 hours tonight and I swear I haven't actually done....well anything. I mean there's been some cool shit, don't get me wrong but so far it's felt like a very long opening sequence. Still enjoying the hell out of almost everything though.

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Mentioned to someone this morning that I had started watching a Twitch stream of FF16 so that I could convince myself that the action gameplay style wasn't my thing, and they then immediately ordered a copy to arrive with me this evening as an 'early birthday present'.

Incredibly generous, but damn it that was the opposite of my intended outcome...!

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30 minutes ago, Ruki said:

I also didn't think that I was going to use any of the 'Timely' accessories, but I am using the one for Torgal. One less thing to worry about, and it absolutely helped. 

You're not using 3 of them at a time? What a waste. 

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8 hours ago, Ruki said:

I also didn't think that I was going to use any of the 'Timely' accessories, but I am using the one for Torgal. One less thing to worry about, and it absolutely helped. 

I put on the combo one for a couple of fights but then it just felt wrong so I took it back off.

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