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4 hours ago, Benji said:

To be fair, a lot of Remake that wasn't part of the OG felt like side quest filler in order to make it feel like a bigger game, so my hope is that this is a bit stronger with the pacing, maybe with stuff like monster hunts across the world as you go and the like.

A valid point - they never wanted to leave Midgar in Remake (for what I feel were good reasons). That did mean to make it a "full" game they had to add in a lot of fluff.

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Someone tell me I’m not crazy and that FF7 Remake is indeed an alternative timeline, right? The Whispers kind of prove this, no?

My co-worker is convinced that it’s just a strict retelling of the original’s story with expansions on some story beats. In his mind, something like


Zack at the end of Remake

is just a flashback to around the events of CC. Which it’s clearly not, right?!

Edited by tristy
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1 minute ago, tristy said:

Someone tell me I’m not crazy and that FF7 Remake is indeed an alternative timeline, right? The Whispers kind of prove this, no?

My co-worker is convinced that it’s just a strict retelling of the original’s story with expansions on some story beats. But something like

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Zack at the end of Remake

is just a flashback to around the events of CC. Which it’s clearly not, right?!

I think this is absolutely an alternate timeline. In fact, there might be two timelines ongoing at the moment... (spoilers from recent FF7R-2 trailer)


The Zack Timeline & the main party timeline.

Because there was a clip of Tifa, Barret, Red all dead in Midgar. 

I'm also convinced that Aerith is aware of what's going on and what's to come. 

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18 hours ago, tristy said:

Someone tell me I’m not crazy and that FF7 Remake is indeed an alternative timeline, right? The Whispers kind of prove this, no?

My co-worker is convinced that it’s just a strict retelling of the original’s story with expansions on some story beats. In his mind, something like

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Zack at the end of Remake

is just a flashback to around the events of CC. Which it’s clearly not, right?!

Yeah it's almost certainly an alternative timeline, isn't that the whole reason the game kept going on about fate/destiny? Riffing on the whole train metaphor from the original.

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10 hours ago, Ruki said:

The difficulty spike for FF3 once you reach the last dungeon is STUPID. I had to turn on 4x xp. And in the original you were supposed to do this all without saving. Jeeze.

Yeah I can't remember which one exactly, but one of the bosses my tactic basically rattled down to one person reviving so that one of the heavy hitters could take a hit whilst the other one delivered a hit whilst party member four stayed dead.

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2 minutes ago, Benji said:

Yeah I can't remember which one exactly, but one of the bosses my tactic basically rattled down to one person reviving so that one of the heavy hitters could take a hit whilst the other one delivered a hit whilst party member four stayed dead.

Was it Two-Headed Dragon?

The boss HP inflated crazy high for those last few fights. And Cloud Of Darkness only used one attack the whole finale? That was kinda lame. 

Most of the game I was carried by Viking in the back row drawing enemy attention (what a tank!), Black Belt punching (glass cannon), Geomancer doing it's thing, and a bard buffing. 

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4 hours ago, Benji said:

Yeah think that was it. The one that hits 9999HP? Cloud of Darkness was nothing for me, old shuriken trick ftw.

Oh yeah, she wasn't a problem. It was just boring, using the same attack over and over.

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On the FF7R alternate timeline, in the original, there's a point towards the end where the game clearly switches timelines, and the SOLDIER recruitment posters with the dog mascot "Patch" change to show a different breed of dog.

So I think the bulk of the story will be the same, but there will be odd digressions into other timelines, partly so even people who have played the original to death won't always know what happens next, but also to incorporate characters like Zack who weren't as major a part of the story as they've kind of retroactively become through spin-offs. 

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3 minutes ago, Ruki said:

Playing the 16 demo, enjoying it so far! Except they call it high potions instead of hi potions. That's the worst.

Maybe CBD is legal across Valisthea?

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I pre-ordered XVI last week and I was only a little excited until I saw someone playing the Demo. I didn't stick around for everything because honestly I mostly want to play the game fresh, but it was enough to get me hyped for next week. I'm sad that I do not have any vacation days left so despite getting it on Thursday, I probably won't be able to dig in until Friday Night/Saturday Afternoon.

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