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I'm one of the people that yearn for the series to go back to a more JRPG style game but man, I can't deny how beautiful that game looks. Plus it's being directed by Yoshi-P who also directs XIV so I feel like it is going to be a Day 1 purchase for me.

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I'm glad we get the tradition-minded Dragon Quest and forward-looking Final Fantasy series to have their own lane. I'm more worried that recent FFs always feel a bit behind on key gameplay mechanics of the types of games they're making. FFXV was a very basic open-world adventure that came out after Witcher III moved open-world games forward (and shortly before BOTW blew the lid off). Worried this one is going to be looking back at Witcher III in a post-Elden Ring world.

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26 minutes ago, Bobfoc said:

I'm not sure what I'd be looking for gameplay-wise to get me interested in a new Final Fantasy game. I thought that 7 Remake's combat was reasonably fun, but not outstandingly so.

It was miles better than what they put out in FFXV. It still boiled down to dodge/slash/dodge/slash type mechanics but it felt very fluid. I never felt as if the game was deliberately getting cheap in a battle, even as I've gone back and done some battles on hard mode.

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I get that people under the age of 25 don't play anything without at least 2D-HD but it's a turn-based tactics game, it has no need for enhanced graphics. I guess the cut scenes would flow better and have voice acting, unless they give them the extremely formal War of the Lions script.

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The original Tactics was known for having a steep learning curve, so perhaps that's something that could be ironed out in a remake. Some easier difficulty settings for newcomers would be welcome.

On another subject, is anyone interested in the Crisis Core remake/remaster that comes out next week? I'd like to play it at some point, but the release price is more than I'm willing to pay. I'll keep my eye on it further down the line.

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4 minutes ago, Bobfoc said:

The original Tactics was known for having a steep learning curve, so perhaps that's something that could be ironed out in a remake. Some easier difficulty settings for newcomers would be welcome.

On another subject, is anyone interested in the Crisis Core remake/remaster that comes out next week? I'd like to play it at some point, but the release price is more than I'm willing to pay. I'll keep my eye on it further down the line.

Pretty much the same. I want to play it, but not at that price. Plus I have a bunch of games to go through already.

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11 hours ago, Bobfoc said:

The original Tactics was known for having a steep learning curve, so perhaps that's something that could be ironed out in a remake. Some easier difficulty settings for newcomers would be welcome.

On another subject, is anyone interested in the Crisis Core remake/remaster that comes out next week? I'd like to play it at some point, but the release price is more than I'm willing to pay. I'll keep my eye on it further down the line.

Is it full price £60? I’ve tried to veer away from release dates my backlog is massive then by the time I actually play it, it’s been on sale about 3 times at a quarter the price.

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54 minutes ago, Captain Kirk said:

Is it full price £60? I’ve tried to veer away from release dates my backlog is massive then by the time I actually play it, it’s been on sale about 3 times at a quarter the price.

It's £40 on Steam and around £45 on other systems. That's not as expensive as some games, but still more than I'd want to pay for it.

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21 hours ago, Rukon Cornelius said:

Rumor is Final Fantasy Tactics remake is gonna be announced on Thursday at the game awards.

Crisis Core release next week, and that news now. Hope they stick with the old style graphics and don't do that awful change like they've done with other remakes.

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Dude literally does a 5.5 hour video essay on Final Fantasy IV. (which is like...25% of the runtime for the game normally, or 3 hours longer than a speed run). I don't have the attention span/time for that, especially when 4 wasn't anywhere near a favorite of mine. Which is unfortunate, his videos on the first 3 games were about an hour, and were very enjoyable. 

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So I just started Strangers of Paradise. The acting is bad, the dialog is worse.... but it's just so fucking corny that it works. The combat system is pretty good, even if I'm a bit crap at it. Plus, it has a job system, which automatically makes any game 10x better.

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I'm currently playing FF1 for the first time in years so I can dive into SoP after that so this review was quite timely. 


I remember enjoying the demo but I've traditionally only played the numbered games in the series

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26 minutes ago, Benji said:

Do we have a guild on FFXIV for anything?

I swear I'm like the only on who ever posts about it, so I'm not sure if anyone else plays it. And I'm on NA. If we wanted to ever do something, if there was enough interest, I'd level a character on EU just to play but I don't know that we have enough people for anything.

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