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I'm all in for the Crisis Core remake and that's about it - and that's mostly because they just made it prettier and kept the same gameplay. I have little to no faith in the FF7 Re-everything project stuff in the long run - but Crisis Core was an unexpected and lovely little surprise.

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22 minutes ago, Bobfoc said:

As a fan of the original, but one who first played it ten years ago and don't have quite the emotional attachment to it that many do, I'm OK with that in principle. If we still get to see the best locations and characters, I'm potentially on board with a different story. I saw Remake as more of a companion piece to the original game than a replacement akin to the Resident Evil remakes.

The big, creeping doubt is that Nomura is in charge, and he's never been one to shy away from making things way more complicated than they need to be.

I wonder if the third one will be called Reunion and have the two timelines merge. It seems like the obvious title, although they appear to be using that for the Crisis Core remake, so who knows? Maybe we'll find out in 2027.

I do have an emotional attachment to the original, perhaps more than any other video game, and I really wanted a companion piece. Give me the same environs in modern graphical fidelity, etc. but approach the story through new eyes.

I think Nomura is going to avoid some of the pitfalls of KH since this entire project was planned out from the start. The three core games and at least the initial side games. KH kind of... happened. If I recall it wasn't super well planned but they had a cash cow with fucking Disney so had to milk it for all it was worth. 

Also, revisit this in 5 years but the 3rd game will be called Return.

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On 29/06/2022 at 12:38, Benji said:

Bleh, I hate that. Do we have an EWB contingent on PC or PS4 or owt?

Why do you hate it? Would you prefer that they didn't do a sub based and have Pay to win stuff on a cash shop? I ask because those are generally the two things you're going to get and most opinions are that they'd rather have a subscription based game from what've seen. 

The one good thing about FFXIV when it comes to being on both PC and PS4 is that it doesn't matter which one you have, you can play cross platform. So I can play with people on PS4/5 even though I own it on PC.


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Yeah, I'd rather. Just put cosmetics under paid. Non-RPG games with bigger user bases than FF do that all the time. Doesn't need to be pay to win, just pay for aesthetics. I don't get why MMORPG's still run by a standard set 20 years ago when other mass multi games have been past that for a decade plus.

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If you put cosmetics under paid then you're going to piss off a lot of MMO fans who aren't simply all about the end game. People want a way to be able to earn these cosmetics in game and there is a constant battle among MMO fans when a company does put something on the cash shop that cannot be obtained in game. Especially if said cash shop item is better than most things that you can get in game.

For example, WoW has some amazing cash shop mounts that you can buy. I've purchased a few. But man, there is a broad base of fans who hate the cash shop and get pretty toxic towards anyone who does use them.

I would honestly rather pay a sub and have the entire cash shop disappear for both WoW and FF but that's never going to happen honestly. It makes the companies too much money and at least I feel like Square/Enix at least put that money back into their game. Blizzard and WoW, that's probably more questionable.

I also feel like those games you mentioned (and feel free to correct me as I may be way off base) are battle royal style games that don't require the amount of time/effort as an MMO with content does.

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I enjoyed it, it's definitely a spin-off in all the right ways and has a decent story considering how one dimensional most of the characters are. It's also quite good in that it isn't particularly long if you'd like to speed run it, but leaves plenty post game if you'd like. I basically played through just what was needed for platinum because it didn't keep my attention that much, but it's a good game to pass the time and I would have zero reason to tell anyone not to play it but equally I wouldn't go out of my way to tell somebody to play it.

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