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1 hour ago, apsham said:

I think it's at least worth giving a shot - the definitive edition goes on sale for super cheap, and although it plays like a wildly different game I really like the dynamic that it sets up and you get some cool moments.

The bromance between the 4 main characters is fantastic. The music is great, as is expected, and they have cool ideas (I really like the cooking and camping stuff). And some of the set pieces are beautiful and epic (Titan!). The only real issue I have is some of the story beats feel rushed or underdeveloped (Luna), plus they had to change some of the ending stuff if I'm not mistaken. 

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I've still yet to play FFXV but every major criticism I've seen of it is that you can tell at times that it was built on top of the demise of a totally different game. So it's got this weird dynamic of feeling like it isn't sure what kind of game it is at times. And then you also run into problems of certain parts just being extremely short and not getting the time they should.

But most people have liked it because it was a unique experience and everything I've seen about the main characters makes them seem awesome and I look forward to playing it one of these days.

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29 minutes ago, Liam Mk2 said:

How in depth is it, in terms of characters building etc? 

I wouldn't say super in depth. You have the standard gear, and you have the skill tree.

I will say, the magic system, with combining spells and such was a cool thing, but I can understand why some people might not like it. 


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FFXV is weird. It's a lot more of "Final Fantasy does open world", which is an odd statement about the company that popularised the giant RPG with world maps staples. I guess I mean more... Final Fantasy meets modern open world, in the vein of an Assassins Creed or something.

It's cool and it's weird, I'm not it's biggest fan but I think the worst thing about it is just that it feels a bit... unfinished? Worth a shot for sure.

FFXIV is where it's at though, that game's story is the best Final Fantasy has been in decades. Shadowbringers is magnificent and you can play all the way through base game and Heavensward for free now.

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6 minutes ago, JMarushin said:

I disdain MMORPGs personally so I've always been turned off of FFXIV because I worry that it's going to be WoW with a FF skin slapped on it - does it actually play like a FF game?

it does not. There are very MMO things (skill bar, cool downs, guilds, dungeons, crafting, market board). But the story beats, the world, the music, it FEELS like a FF game. 

With levels 1-60, and ARR + the first expansion being free? I'd say it's worth a try. The free trial is limiting (can't use the marketboard, can't join guilds, and a few other things), it gives a nice idea of how things play. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 25/09/2020 at 15:54, JMarushin said:

I disdain MMORPGs personally so I've always been turned off of FFXIV because I worry that it's going to be WoW with a FF skin slapped on it - does it actually play like a FF game?

Did you just diss WoW? I think we need to have a conversation! :angry:

Final Fantasy XIV is a beautiful game but coming from WoW, it moves so much slower in my opinion. I hate the GCD in Wow and when it comes to FF, it's even worse. With that being said though, if WoW ever stops being a thing then I could see myself moving over to FF at that point.

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14 minutes ago, Forky said:

Did you just diss WoW? I think we need to have a conversation! :angry:

Final Fantasy XIV is a beautiful game but coming from WoW, it moves so much slower in my opinion. I hate the GCD in Wow and when it comes to FF, it's even worse. With that being said though, if WoW ever stops being a thing then I could see myself moving over to FF at that point.

Haha I just have never liked MMORPGs in general. I tried playing WoW with my friends and just found it boring, the whole grinding for gear thing just turns me off. I had some buddies that tried and tried to get me to join Rift and play in their guild, and its like I dont have or want to spend the time necessary to play at a high level

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3 hours ago, JMarushin said:

the whole grinding for gear thing just turns me off.

This is how I feel about "loot" games in general, whether they're MMOs, dungeon crawlers or whatever else. I don't doubt that WOW and Diablo are great at what they set out to do, but it's never going to be my cup of tea.

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6 minutes ago, Bobfoc said:

This is how I feel about "loot" games in general, whether they're MMOs, dungeon crawlers or whatever else. I don't doubt that WOW and Diablo are great at what they set out to do, but it's never going to be my cup of tea.

I used to be the same way. My biggest problem with MMO’s was basically that there was no way to win. There was no way to complete them. Then I found that I enjoyed it more when I set goals for myself. 

I’m very sad that I actually didn’t get into MMO’s until recently because honestly being 36 and trying to be competitive with people who have been playing the game for over 15 years is intimidating.

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16 minutes ago, apsham said:

I've always enjoyed MMOs personally but I have never fucked with any PVP or other competitive aspects of them.

I don’t do PVP. For WoW though there is M+ now that was introduced 2 expansions ago that is very competitive. Also Raiding is very competitive. 

I don’t know what the competitive scene is like for PVE in FF but I imagine it’s there in a smaller scale.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Trying to do the Chocobo Breeding in FF7... trying to do the trick where you set the gender. But I must have re-loaded my save a dozen times, but the gender stayed the same. Which is annoying. I want a gold chocobo :( Going slightly off the guide, hoping it doesn't mess me up!

Edit: Now I can't breed a blue chocobo for the life of me. It's just a good + great chocobo, class B, with a carbo nut? I keep getting green. No matter how many resets (or resetting the RNG by fighting a battle). Any tips?


And there are so many story beats that I don't remember from when I played this in highschool. Enjoying this much more the second time around! And really excited to explore it all again in the remake.

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