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A leak was posted on an account that was then deleted, and most places are taking it as fact. There are a lot of mechanic/story changes mentioned in there - but outside of that it reveals that;

- It will be at E3 as a floor demo, and then a download for PS Plus members.
- It will be split into two games
- Each game will be full price

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FF13 looks pretty damn amazing on the Xbox One X (it's one of the games they enhanced along with making them backwards compatible) - it doesn't even look like a 360 era game anymore. And this time when I'm playing it - I am bothering to use the battle system and actually pay attention to how it's supposed to be played. I'm realizing how much I just tried to speed through and ignore elements the first time I played them.

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I logged into FF14 and got 7 free days. Gonna see if I can get the itch out of my system.


Totally forgot how to play, so decided to start leveling a new class on my character (conjurer into white mage, before I was just about to turn bard)

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2 minutes ago, Ruki said:

I logged into FF14 and got 7 free days. Gonna see if I can get the itch out of my system.


Totally forgot how to play, so decided to start leveling a new class on my character (conjurer into white mage, before I was just about to turn bard)

I'm pretty sure that the first 30 levels or something like that are free now for FF14. I tried it and it looks pretty, and is a decent game but the combat is just way to slow for me after playing WoW. I think right now in terms of content it's better than WoW but it's also not been out as long either.

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On 10/06/2019 at 00:21, Ruki said:

FF7 remake coming March 3rd. Holy crap.

The bigger news is we're finally getting the FF8 Remaster. Once it comes out, I might just take the time to go back through the series from 7 to X-2 just for the hell of it.

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Speaking of playing through the original VII and materia - just recently when I spent time with it, I realized why I had so many fucking problems when I played that game growing up. I didn't understand materia at all initially and constantly had low HP. It only happened to Cloud this time and that's when I realized that if you have summons/magic materia it almost universally lowers your HP pool. Compound that onto the fact that I just threw all summon materia on every character and... well yeah.

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8 hours ago, Ollie said:

The FFVII Remake hype train is giving me the itch to replay VII again, but I fancy a bit more of a challenge. Not sure whether to just do a 100% run again or try something like a Low Level or No Materia run.

Do you still use a guide? Even to this day, I've beaten FFVIII over 30 times and I still use a guide just to make sure I don't forget anything.

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