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46 minutes ago, The Fork Horsemen said:

Final Fantasy X was fun even if it was very linear and Tidus isn't as annoying as I used to think he was. Maybe it's that I've matured (not much) a bit.

I didn't mind how linear it was especially because the story was awesome and there was a good chunk of fun side-questy things to do (BLITZBALL...I made sure I won that damn trophy in the first Blitz tourney), I also enjoyed the sphere system. I know my friends hated Tidus but I never really hated him, I viewed him less as "my character" and more as one of the "party's characters" with a really wild background, which I think helped me find him less annoying than they did lmao.

FFX is awesome

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3 hours ago, Ollie said:

The correct order is

  1. IX
  2. XII
  3. VII
  4. VI
  5. X
  6. IV
  7. VIII
  8. V
  9. Pretty much ever other video game ever made
  10. XIII
  11. Custer's Last Stand
  12. XV

No....just no...If VIII is not top of the list then you're just wrong :P

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6 > 9 > 8 > 5 > 10 > 7 > 1 > 15 > 13 > 12 > 3 > 2


I've only played a few hours of 4, so didn't feel right listing it. I enjoyed all the game (2, much less so than the rest).... this is just my preference. Really liked the characters in 13, it's just a shame the gameplay and story were meh. 

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Finally finished Chapter 2 of X-2 for the first time in years. This 100% play through will be the end of me, but I seem to be on track so far.

At some point I'll have to go back and finish FFX, but the trophy for the first boss glitched and I don't know if I can be arsed starting over again for it. Counterpoint, I'm currently fighting Jecht who was the boss I.never got passed the first time I played it, so I'm half tempted to just redo it anyway and be more planned doing the stupid sphere grid.

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5 hours ago, Jericode said:

Finally finished Chapter 2 of X-2 for the first time in years. This 100% play through will be the end of me, but I seem to be on track so far.

At some point I'll have to go back and finish FFX, but the trophy for the first boss glitched and I don't know if I can be arsed starting over again for it. Counterpoint, I'm currently fighting Jecht who was the boss I.never got passed the first time I played it, so I'm half tempted to just redo it anyway and be more planned doing the stupid sphere grid.

I liked the sphere grid! What's wrong with it?

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The play through I was doing before I didn't realise I had to fill in all the gaps in it to count it as completed and like fuck am I backtracking when I'm at this stage of the game.

Figure I might as well start over, plan it better and hopefully get the trophy I glitched along the way.

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17 minutes ago, Ruki said:

I can't dodge 5 lightning strikes, let alone 200 in a row!


Out of the 60 platinums I've got I think the FFX one is the only one I absolutely hated. Between the sphere grid, the monster hunting, the lightning strikes, the sphere grid, the chocobo racing, the butterfly hunt and the stupid fucking sphere grid, it was the most frustrating and pointless endeavour I've ever put myself through.

Final Fantasy IX was also an absolute misery thanks to the 1000 jump ropes and 10000 enemies.

Basically Final Fantasy games have shit platinums.

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I thought it was okay but the amount of games it makes you play is just annoying.

And god don't remind me about the lightning strikes. The first time I worked out how to do it I got to 197. Fuck that bullshit.

All Final Fantasy minigames seem to be a complete chore.

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I concur. Blitzball is fucking preposterous.

A game where you'd think the whole selling point of it being underwater would be the ability to move in three dimensions but, no, you can only move on one plane. So what's the point? It's stupid. Final Fantasy X is stupid. Rewarding drudgery rather than skill or exploration/curiosity in an RPG is stupid.

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9 hours ago, Jericode said:

Finally finished Chapter 2 of X-2 for the first time in years. This 100% play through will be the end of me, but I seem to be on track so far.

At some point I'll have to go back and finish FFX, but the trophy for the first boss glitched and I don't know if I can be arsed starting over again for it. Counterpoint, I'm currently fighting Jecht who was the boss I.never got passed the first time I played it, so I'm half tempted to just redo it anyway and be more planned doing the stupid sphere grid.

Wait...you can actually not beat Final Fantasy X? As in, like there's a boss that's hard to beat? I'm honestly not even trying to flex, I just figured in the course of the game it made it nearly impossible to actually lose. So linear.

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