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36 minutes ago, Benji said:

Is it true the mods disable trophies?

Unless it’s just specific trophies, no. Because I tried them out and have since unlocked trophies.

42 minutes ago, Benji said:

Is it true the mods disable trophies?


5 minutes ago, Avenged said:

Unless it’s just specific trophies, no. Because I tried them out and have since unlocked trophies.

Just checked. The ones in the config menu (permanent mods) DO disable them, but the pause menu one (toggle on/off mods) are safe.

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8 minutes ago, Benji said:

I've not played yet, which ones are the ones in the pause menu? Is the speed one in there? If so that makes the Excalibur run a joke.

Nah. The pause menu is stuff like in VII, speed up, battle assists & no encounter stuff.

I think (I’m at work right now) the config menu ones are stuff like unlocking all abilities and that kinda thing. Pretty much stuff which may take the fun out of it if you ask me :P 

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As someone who really can't commit 50+ hours to a game I've already played, the boosters/speeding/assists, whatever you want to call them are a life saver. Or, at least they were for FFVII. FFIX has a ton of charm running through it and if I can let those aspects wash over me again without the grinding, then I'll gladly take that.

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So I'm playing through IX again and wow, this really is possibly the most charming game in the series.   Zidane is a far better main character than I remember, he's not mysterious or angsty or whiny or whatever the hell Vaan is.  I actually ditched XII to start replaying IX, because after 10 hours with XII, I still wasn't invested.  Meanwhile, I'm loving IX all over again.

Also picked up Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions for my tablet, touch screen controls work pretty well.

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I've always seen IX as a love letter to the series that came before it. So much of it consciously echoes I-V, and IV especially, but with nods to VI, VII and VIII as well - and so much about the genre started to change from X afterwards, that it really seemed like a conscious effort to celebrate everything the series had been up until that point, and I love it for it.

In terms of tone, it has a sense of humour and mischief that was almost entirely lacking from VIII, and from everything came after it, too. I worry with the remake of VII that, based on all the "expanded universe" stuff around VII, it's going to be po-faced and super-serious, when I always liked that Final Fantasy was quite silly. Even then, IX felt like the only time (aside from maybe V) where they really embraced that silliness for the entire game. It's part of the reason I loved World of Final Fantasy too, they captured a tone that the series has been missing for a long time.

Despite that, it's the only game in the series to have made me cry. As much as people talk about Aeris, for me it was the Black Mage village in IX that got me right in the feelings.

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It really makes me wish Square would make games of that scale again.  Final Fantast XV was a blast gameplay wise, and the open world was a pretty cool new direction, and I'm all for them pushing things that way in the future.  But would it hurt to go with something smaller?  Why not make a sprite-based throwback game and put it out on Steam, Xbox Live and PSN? 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 03/10/2017 at 13:18, Apsham said:

Project Octopath Traveler as well. At this point I think they've decided that the FF series game is a big budget, 3D affair for consoles and that's it.

Yeah, it's a bit frustrating but they are trying to put stuff out in other places, and JRPGs are in a better shape than they've been in memory as a whole these days at least.

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On 12/07/2017 at 11:08, Skummy said:

I loved the battle system of XII, but can barely remember the story.

It's like Star Wars, but if Chewbacca was a sexy rabbit.




This just popped up when I went to reply, I don't know if I posted it before but it's too good to not post again.


Also what I came here to say is that Project Octopath is the absolute bomb. Between that and Lost Sphear next year is stacking up to be the best year for games that should be called Final Fantasy.

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I've only played the demo of Octopath, finished Primrose's story. It looks bloody lovely, will probably pick it up, though I don't know how much time I'll get to actually play the damn thing.

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The story of the last month or so for me. For the rest of the year, I think the only must haves on my list are Odyessy and the new WWE game but I still have a ton of things to pump time into.

Oh and to make this relevant here, I put all the SNES Final Fantasy games onto my SNES mini and I'm working my way through II/IV right now.

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