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47 minutes ago, Skummy said:

I'm just glad to see Final Fantasy developing a sense of humour again.

It's cheesy as fuck, but this game is definitely not taking itself seriously. 


Although I am annoyed that the town that looks like Midgar is called Nibelheim....like, there's a fucking mako reactor!

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19 minutes ago, Ruki said:

It's cheesy as fuck, but this game is definitely not taking itself seriously. 

That's my point. Final Fantasy has been so po-faced and serious for so long, whereas the best games in the series all had a weird, offbeat sense of humour to them. It's nice to see them having fun with the franchise, and even when the dialogue is super cheesy you can tell they know it is. I was dreading a Kingdom Hearts-esque absurdly complicated, needlessly confusing backstory to justify the shared universe, I'm glad they went pretty much the opposite direction.

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Just finished the Mako dungeon and...

Vivi! Vivi is there and he is adorable! I love him so much


Spent about 30 minutes trying to find the baby version of Ifrit and Ramuh in the opening dungeon, but no luck. Had baby Shiva show up, which I already have. So I said fuck it....and then the bastards invaded my dreams :/


I've also come across two 'secret' Mirage's who I can't beat. The one in the Prison

Mist Dragon....if there was just one, I'd beat it no problem. But two? Damn.


and Mako....(holy shit this mirage)


Not one, but two Gigantuar's!

Way too low level to fight these guys. Thankfully, all you need to do is land a crit....but shit. They land 1000 damage and I do 90.

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So, did 1.5 chapters tonight...and it was BIG on the FFV nostalgia. The title of it?

Big Bridge.

Bartz and Boko show up! And Eiko (although that's FF9) and Alexander (except he's a bridge and not a castle)! And then the best of them all....Gilgamesh!!!!!

Not only is it Gilgamesh, with Excalibur and Excalipoor, but it's the same one from FFV! The one who is theorized, when going through the void in FFV, going to other games! He quite obviously knows Bartz and wants to fight him, but Bartz (from WOFF) has no idea who he is. it's great


The next chapter is ok so far. Everyone's favorite....

Cloud (along with Celes and WOFF's Cid)

...shows up and you go do stuff for them.

Ended up missign out on two mirages tonight and it pissed me off (Cactuar, rare spawn....at least for me) and Nightmare (that one was one and done. Gonna have to transform a Unicorn into it). 

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Also, fuck the quest where you have to kill 3 of those and 10 of the Sand Worms. Those take FOREVER since they are rare spawns.


Managed to get the 4th....



Starting to look like I'm at about the 75% point. I've got some strong mirages, cleaning up some side-quests and coliseum fights (can't handle some of them just yet)....pretty successful night, if I do say so myself.

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On chapter 21!


The mini-games? They can go get fucked. One of them might be fun if it wasn't so slow and clunky. Thankfully, I think they are optional.


Also? Blasting through the game at the moment. My mirage stacks that are wrecking are:


Baby Shiva   ///   Moogle

Rayne   ///   Lann

Malboro   ///   Holy Dragon



It's pretty great. The only issue? Lann's stack has the most powerful attacks (Holy, Flare, Ultima)....but also the only healing in the group <_<

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I'm about 25-30 hours in and I am on chapter 21. I imagine if you go for everything in the game, you'd be good for 40-60 hours.


Technically chapter 21 is the "final chapter" (from what I read), but the real ending of the game comes in a 'post script'.


After that, you can go off and go grab all the monsters (some are rare and a pain to find), and I do believe there are some super bosses (I have access to one right now via free DLC). And THEN you have the coliseum fights to do. Some of which are easy....but apparently it ramps up in difficulty. 

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Game director Hajime Tabata announced that the game will have a new cooperative multiplayer mode, where players can play as Noctis, Ignis, Gladiolus, or Prompto in battle. The new mode will be available as downloadable content after the game is released. Tabata also reiterated plans for other DLC "Episodes," with each focusing on different members of Noctis' party. Players will be able to control the characters in their DLC episode. Square Enix also released concept images for Gladiolus' and Prompto's episodes.

Sounds like it's separate.

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42 minutes ago, Cloudy said:

Sounds like it's separate.

That's what I read and it confused me, like I get it's going to be DLC, but they never really explain if it's the whole campaign or a separate mode thing. 

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