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8 hours ago, Quom said:

One of the things I caught (the flying yellow eyeball thing) had an ability thing that I can't remember the name of that had a high likelihood of making them tumble.

Super helpful description I know >_> 

The Ahirman! I didn't manage to catch him, and I only ended up in that fight once :(

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World of Final Fantasy demo is adorable. I'll probably end up buying it, though I hope there's a little more depth to it than dungeons and random battles, even with the capturing element - the mini-trailers in the demo make it look like there's a semblance of story attached to it, at least.

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1 hour ago, Benji said:

Yeah, I still have to get around to I Am Setsuna, plus a shitload of other games (plus like @apsham says, Skyrim next week), so I'm doubting I'll get it within the next year or so. Probably a "when it goes cheap" buy for me.

I'm in the same boat, especially since I was reminded Skyrim allows for mods this time around.

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Played a little bit more last night. Finished up in the goblin camp. And that's where you can get your first secret/one time mirage!


It's a black Choco-chic! After the boss fight, just go beyond them and you'll find it. Be sure to save, since you on;y get one shot. To get the prisimtunity, you need to heal it.


I also unlocked the Colosseum and got my first large mirage, the Magitek robot for beating the demo, have to get the glow-y Moogle and a special Tonberry as well. There was also a medium sized eye creature in the cave that I grinded for about 30 minutes to find, but it never spawned after my first two encounters (where it confused me and made me kill it). 

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So, by accident I found a place to power level really hard pretty early. I got my level 2 moogle to hit level 11 while on the bench (and those mirages on the bench only get 8% of the EXP) with only 2-3 fights. Managed to get a few of my other mirages to transform or get really close to it.

If you're interested in doing it you need two abilities: The one where you can smash items outside of combat (the golem you get in the Nether Nebula's evolved form gets it) and flutter (Moogle >_>).

You'll probably be strong enough to do it after...(about 5-6 hours in)

The Yuna boss fight



Then you go to

The Nether Nebula near the end of the cave. You'll find the rock to smash and the gap to hover over.

Once you're there, you'll be golden. Hopefully. Magic (ice, thunder) works best here. 

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Is the game good? Like I've only really played FFX and I didn't like that at all really. I watched my sister's ex-bf play FF VIII and that looked fun. But the idea of Pokemon FF has me intrigued and I quite liked the demo. Basically is it Pokemon with FF tacked on, or is it FF trying to do something new with combat?

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You have two forms - Chibi and Normal basically - and in those forms you are different sizes... I want to say in Chibi you are a M(edium) and in regular size you are a L(arge). Each monster that you collect has their own size and you form 'stacks' based off that. If you are in Chibi size you stand or ride on a Large sized monster and have one on your head. If you are a regular size, you have a Medium on your head with a Short on their head. Depending on your stack you have different attacks available to you, and you can also disassemble it so that instead of attacking once with combined power - you all attack individually.

Capturing is based on different contexts - usually it's just damage an enemy and they'll get an aura underneath them and you can attempt a capture. Other times you need to fulfill certain critera (that I believe you can see with Libra) like healing them or possessing a certain type of prism (which acts like a Pokeball).

From the demo I received a great nostalgic feel and enjoyed the gameplay - but it was really straightforward point A to point B stuff.. I don't think it claims to be anything else really though since it's basically a big nostaglia trip for an anniversary.

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8 hours ago, Quom said:

Is the game good? Like I've only really played FFX and I didn't like that at all really. I watched my sister's ex-bf play FF VIII and that looked fun. But the idea of Pokemon FF has me intrigued and I quite liked the demo. Basically is it Pokemon with FF tacked on, or is it FF trying to do something new with combat?

I am enjoying my time with it, but then again, I've been a Final Fantasy fan for about 20 years now. This game is just a whole lot of fan service (with the characters and the music and the monsters). 

Story wise, it's nothing to write home about, and the dialog at times can be cheesy or cringy. It's pokemon in the sense that you want to go around catching all the monsters and want to figure out the best team. It's Final Fantasy in the sense that it has a story more than "Hey, go to this gym and get a badge I guess." (Although, technically, you do get badges, which you use to summon Champions). 


Since you enjoyed the demo I want to say you would like the game, but like I said, the dialog can be weak at times. If you think you can soldier on through that, I'd say give it a shot!

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