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21 hours ago, VerbalRick said:

So I heard the new Final Fantasy isn't turn based. I am greatly intrigued by this. I always thought the games looked fun but never liked the way they do combat.

You're in the wrong topic to be talking shit like that :P 

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  • 2 weeks later...

So this isn't about the game buuuut I figured this was the best place to ask some people who might know. Does anyone know where I can get Final Fantasy shirts? I'm looking for something from Final Fantasy IV for my step daughter for her birthday this year.

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I'm getting it but probably not until after Christmas. I had to give my GF a list of presents and then had to promise that I wouldn't buy anything from it until after Christmas. If someone doesn't buy it for me for Christmas then I'll pick it up after.

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36 minutes ago, Ruki said:


Online battles? Trading?!


It really is Pokemon.

Who else is getting the game? I need a trading partner.


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Literally the post above yours :P


Just finished it myself, managed to catch most of the creatures except the Werebat and the Ahirman. I went into the boss fight...

With the little Fox Fire-y thing, a bomb and Fire on Lann. And then it turned out that the boss was fire based. Ooops.

Tried to catch the mini-Ifrit, but that was a bust.


Music in the demo got a bit repetitive. And I'm glad that there is a fastforward button with the combat.

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I didn't realise the Fenrir was stacked and by the time I realised it was too late to knock the thing off his back without killing them both :'( Aso kept trying to imprism the final boss and it wouldn't stick, so I figured I needed to knock off a bit more HP but in doing so would kill it, so I gave it a potion. It seems like you only get one shot since it never went back into that state.


Day 1 purchase most likely.

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