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I'm not going to bother getting the game until I can get it cheap used anyway, I'm tired of the FF disappointment train. If it turns out a bunch of the content is hidden in DLC I probably won't even bother. Too many games to play to stay loyal to a franchise that is not even close to what I fell in love with and not for the better.

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4 hours ago, Benji said:

I'm not going to bother getting the game until I can get it cheap used anyway, I'm tired of the FF disappointment train. If it turns out a bunch of the content is hidden in DLC I probably won't even bother. Too many games to play to stay loyal to a franchise that is not even close to what I fell in love with and not for the better.

That's kind of where I am with them to be honest. I didn't buy 11 because it was online. I thought that 12 was online as well so I never bothered buying it. I actually only found out this year that it was never an MMORPG. I've thought about buying 14 but I honestly don't play enough to get the most out of a game like that. Everything I've seen about 15 makes me think that it's not going to be up my alley at all which is sucks. I feel like Final Fantasy has moved away from the awesome stories that I fell in love with and moved towards "Look how flashy this thing is"

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5 hours ago, Benji said:

FFXV delay leads to Persona 5 pre-orders increasing in Japan.

As someone who will be getting Persona 5 on day of release without a clue about the series, and probably won't be getting FFXV until I can get it cheap despite loving the series, this gives me a small sense of schadenfreude :shifty:

Do you have a Vita? If so, you should pick up Persona 4 Golden to play between now and February!

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Hour of new gameplay....I've only seen a tiny bit of it, but I like what I'm seeing. Even if it's not a standard FF game, I think I might enjoy it. 

Edit: Looks like you 'cash in' your EXP when you make camp for the night. I like that. AND YOU CAN COOK FOOD.

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Just now, Ruki said:

Same for me, really. I'm meh on the combat, but everything else seemed super cool.

I've always been a naysayer when it comes to the combat system as I'm fully ingrained in the time-bar battle system. I dislike having 3 party members that I can't control. They're basically NPC's and I don't like it.

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4 hours ago, Ruki said:

Same for me, really. I'm meh on the combat, but everything else seemed super cool.

The combat has been my biggest issue with FF since 12, and is the biggest part of the gameplay. It looks (and played in the demo) like an even more shitty Kingdom Hearts.

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25 minutes ago, Avenged said:

I couldn't care less about the combat as long as it's functional. To me it's about the story and characters and always has been, the battles are just something to do along the way.

I'd be for that too, if their last four stories weren't "Final Fantasy: Star Wars: I Wanna Be a Sky Pirate"*, "Final Fantasy: Encyclopedias and Australians", "Final Fantasy: Not Actually Too Bad, But Fuck It Let's Put The True Ending in Paid for DLC and then...", and ending spoilers for FFXIII:LR...


"Final Fantasy: ... Carry It On In The Next Game Too, With An Unsatisfying Twist Ending Where THEY WIND UP ON EARTH"

* note, FFXII isn't actually that bad, it's mostly Vaan and Penelo who make it less than good, and the visuals/designs are probably my favourite in all FF

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