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That's pretty much what I did. Only it was more the curiosity of "you know, I've not used Yojimbo even once. But I wonder if I throw this money at him whether...oh, yes. I see. I suppose that'll do." :shifty: 

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5 minutes ago, Benji said:

What luck levels did y'all wind up with?

Before I cleaned up the grid for everyone, 255 for Yuna, I think about 160 for Wakka and Tidus, maybe 90 for Rikku.

After I finished off the grid and overwrote them all with the likes of Mag Def spheres to make the task easier, virtually zero. :shifty: 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, it's very Chrono Trigger esque, the story seems like a less technological FFX so far, the combat is lovely, the enemy designs are great and it all looks so sombre and pretty and rad.

I was nervous about it, but it seems to be hitting all the right notes in the first couple hours.

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Put a few more hours into I Am Setsuna this morning and it's definitely worth getting, it's super fun and very challenging and the story, though a bit patchy, is pretty good. I'd say it's only really for fans of the genre but I think that was always a given.

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Got my 3DS this morning and fired up Final Fantasy IV. 5 and a half hours later and I finally put it down but holy hell, I'd forgotten how hard it can be at times. Going through some of those caves and I was using items as I got them in a lot of cases. It feels like I'm going very slow as I just got to the part where Yang joined my party.

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Heading towards end game on I Am Setsuna now, as far as I can tell every character has a specific side quest and then it's final dungeon time.

Genuinely worth every penny I paid for it and dammit guys, you need to buy it so we can all gush about how ruddy excellent it all is.

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