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11 hours ago, Clawson said:

Tonight, I was sitting on the couch talking about Final Fantasy IX when my wife turned to me and said "I'm surprised you haven't made me play that yet".

Guys...am I a bad husband? Why have I failed so much?

Because you haven't Donated yet. :shifty:

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1 hour ago, Liam said:

Early things I need to do to get the most out of an FFX run through?

  • Learn the Jecht Shot and hide like a bitch behind the goalie during Blitzball.
  • Get Valefor's second overdrive ASAP.
  • Find a suitable place to grind. (Sinspawn fight en route to Kilika, for example. Don't directly fight Sin, just the scales he shoots out.)
  • Talk to the lady in the pink outfit at the very beginning while on the road to the blitzball game and give her tickets. Sure, only 2 potions, but a tiny boost.
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Stat maxing really is a ballache. Especially seeing as I need to beat Jumbo Flan for magic spheres and he's an absolute bastard. The rest aren't too bad, Fenrir is annoying but now that I've got evasion and accuracy in the high 100s he's not too bad. But Jumbo Flan? Motherfucker.

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@stokeriño as the only man I know insane enough to have platinum FFX, any advice on the last bit of the sphere grid? As it stands I've got 41 empty sphere but everyone's stats are maxed out except for luck.

Did you really get that many luck/fortune spheres or did you just start throwing in whatever you had at hand?

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1 hour ago, WHTGLT said:

@stokeriño as the only man I know insane enough to have platinum FFX, any advice on the last bit of the sphere grid? As it stands I've got 41 empty sphere but everyone's stats are maxed out except for luck.

Did you really get that many luck/fortune spheres or did you just start throwing in whatever you had at hand?

Yes and no. I got all the necessary Luck spheres on the grid and got to the point of maxing one character (Yuna) plus some luck for Tidus/Wakka...however at that point I beat Penance. So since all that was left was to tick the final 'complete everyone's grid' trophy I erased the Luck spheres and replaced them with ones that would be filled more easily.

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Ah, makes sense, I've got everyone on about 40 luck so far, think I'll cap it at 80-100, that seems to be the general consensus on whats needed, everything else is at 255 across the board, so shouldn't be too much of a grind. I'm just sick of fighting Earth Eater for those damn fortune spheres.

Otherwise all I've got left is a couple monsters to capture (Master Tonberry especially is a bastard because he never shows up), lightning strikes, a couple more jecht spheres, dark aeons, nemesis and finally penance. Should be done in a week hopefully.

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All monsters captured, and the sphere grid is filled up, it's just getting the fortune spheres to navigate around it. Also have to drag Kimahri through about five million fights with Don Tonberry because he's the only one without a Triple AP,  Overdrive->AP, Triple Overdrive armour, the bastard.

In the end I've got about 30 luck spheres on the board, so that's +120 for everyone, which means everyone will have at least 147 luck, and that's ample. Wakka and Tidus are already done so that's only 150 fortune spheres I need, but I also have 10 master spheres from unlocking Nemesis and enough gil to bribe my way to 20 attribute spheres. So I *only* need to kill Earth Eater 60 times.

Ugh, I should get two platinums for this.

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But presumably you're going to use the same 3 or 4 people in all your major battles...so you could save yourself fortune sphere-hunting time by just filling out the grid for those and leaving Kimahri et al for the final tidy-up afterwards (when you can then overwrite the Luck spheres as above).

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Generally the idea of super-bosses is that if you don't load up on Auto-Life or Auto-Phoenix and (in some cases) Ribbon armour, then you die extremely quickly. So if you swap people out then you're just unnecessarily exposing yourself to danger...

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I've only got one lot of ribbon armour (on Yuna, I believe), Tidus, Auron and Wakka are rocking auto-phoenix, then there's a mix of Break HP Limit, Auto-Haste, Auto-Protect and Auto-Shell. I wanna get one more ribbon out of it all but God damn, grinding for dark matter is the worst.

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