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Exactly, do I really want to drag myself through that tedium? I started doing the Don Tonberry grind a few months ago and after about 15 battles I was already borderline suicidal. I love Final Fantasy and I love grinding but God damn, FFX really took the joy out of it all.

In other news, I can't decide whether to buy FFIX on my iPad or wait for a possible PS4 port. I wanna play it so bad but I wanna play it on the PS4.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've given myself a deadline of June 21st to beat FF9 (since that is when Grand Kingdom comes out)....I think that should be doable, as I just reached 'disk 4'. Most of the party is around 45-55, with Zidane being around 58/59. Decided to dick around and try to fight Ozma (I farmed Freya's Dragon Crest to 9999)....did pretty well. I had Freya and Steiner doing 9999 a round, with Eiko acting as the main healer, with Zidane....not doing much (although if I equip Bird Attack + MP attack, I might be able to do something. Or I will just go into the fight ready to trance).


The biggest problem is his Curse attack. And Mini, when it hits Steiner. 

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Ha! Murdered the shit out of Ozma! Although, it was a close fight.

Thankfully, only used Curse once in the fight....but I went in with Zidane ready to Trance (9999 a turn), Steiner with Stock (9999), Freya with a full Dragon's Crest (9999), and Quina (who I power leveled to 74) who acted as a healer. But woo!


The rest of the game is gonna be a breeze. I think I only have a few more bosses left....Kraken, Lich, Kuja and ????.


Have to say, I LOVE the speed boost thing, and wish JRPGs would use it. Makes the long animations seem less shitty and makes grinding less grindy. 

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Beat FF9 last night, rolled over Kraken, Lich, Deathguise, Kuja and Necron. It was less satisfying this time around. Not sure if it's because if this was the second time I beat it or because I was overlevled and didn't really have a challenge?

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