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Before the battle I'm told not to be alarmed by the numbers, take out the leaders and the others will follow.

I'll level up a bit go back to a save point. Try again taking out the judges first. If that doesn't work I'll take Benji's advice.

EDIT: And I'm doing it first thing tomorrow.

Edited by Mattman
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Before the battle I'm told not to be alarmed by the numbers, take out the leaders and the others will follow.

I'll level up a bit go back to a save point. Try again taking out the judges first. If that doesn't work I'll take Benji's advice.

Yeah, it's the game gives BS advice unless you're a decent level enough to beat them fast, there's too many swordsmen doing too many hits otherwise. It CAN be done at lower levels, but it's not worth the hastle.

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Yeah I was reading through the Brady Guide today and when you get to the Phon Coast it says "you may have trouble with enemies if you're not over level 28". I laughed cause I'm at 34 for everybody with my first party 5000exp away from 35. It's too much fun to fight in this game.

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Never mind the fact that it takes out Pluto/Saturn's rings/Jupiter/the Sun/Mercury/Venus and still doesn't hurt as much as half his other moves do.

The best bit is that, despite destroying half the Solar System, he does it about seven times in one battle. High-larious.

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I managed to do it.

Your advice didn't work Benji You only have to beat the judges and then the battles over.

I finally have my full party :)

EDIT: Now I can't get past the demon wall :(

All my characters are 13-14. Is being underlevelled still my problem?

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Which wall are you fighting? I'll assume the second one, and your best bet if you don't want to level-up a ton right now is to get quickenings and bust them out. I haven't played that fucking piece of trash in months, but I remember struggling with that guy until I used quickenings with my three back-up people, then switched in my other three to finish him off.

Also, how did you guys manage to push yourselves through that game? I love Final Fantasy games, but I never could push myself pas the Phon Coast or whatever that place is called.

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Guest strongarm85

If your fighting the first demon wall just run away from it. The second one is the only one you absolutely have to beat. The first one is completely unnecessarily. You are a little bit of a lower level for this part of the game also, but you should be fine. Anyhow the second wall has exactly 10,000 hp. Just focus on damaging the hell out of it. The thing you have to really watch out for with the second wall is it occasionally casts X-zone which can put one party member, and any party members standing too close, into the X-zone and wipe out a portion of your party. The only way to reverse X-zone if that happens is to walk into another room. Which means you'll have to beat the second Demon wall.

The first Demon wall can beat beat by this point in the game, but I wouldn't recommend it. It has double the HP of the second wall and its a lot harder to take down.

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HA. HA. Take THAT Ring Wyrm, you BITCH.

Second Esper was a cunt to beat, but only because Vaan had an Ice Sword, and nothing else I could possibly equip him with so was left just punching her. Something of an oversight on my part, there, I must admit.

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HA. HA. Take THAT Ring Wyrm, you BITCH.

Second Esper was a cunt to beat, but only because Vaan had an Ice Sword, and nothing else I could possibly equip him with so was left just punching her. Something of an oversight on my part, there, I must admit.

I love being unequipped in FFXII, because it's so fucking ridiculous. Especially when you're fighting wyrms, behemoths or dinos. It's like taking a knife to a gun fight, only the knife is non-existant and the gun is 12 ft tall and prehistoric.

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I have 1 quickening between 6 characters and not enough LP to find anymore.

You're both saying I'm underlevelled so even if it is possible, I'll just do a few more hunts before trying the second wall again.

Although you get extremely overpowered swords for beating the first one.

And 2 questions:

What do you get out of chaining?

What are you supposed to press during a quickening?

EDIT: Never mind the chaining the manual explained that. But I still don't get the quickening.

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You press either /\, [], or O depending on what's lit up, and if none are you press R2 I think? It's more complicated then that if you want big chains, but I never really took the time to figure it out. So, that's the gist of it.

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I'm not sure, your best bet is just to experiment as see what works. I'm just going off of memory, I haven't even tried to play that game in months and when I did play, I hadn't used the quickenings in a long time as they were really weak.

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I will say this: getting a quickening chain for Black Hole is a bitch. I've finished the main game except the final area (Bahamut), about half the Clan Hunts, a good chunk of the Hunt Club hunts, and have 3 of the hidden espers (Adrammelech, Cuchulainn, and Exodus), and I've only managed to pull off a Black Hole about 3 or 4 times....and the first time was when I was past the halfway mark on the main story.

Who's everyone's favorite FFXII playable character? Mine's Basch, even though Balthier seems to get all the best lines. I probably use Basch and Ashe on my team the most.

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