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Yeah, I'm not sure if the idea appeals to you, but XIII-2 is a lot more fun. It pretty much summarises XIII in the opening moments and tells a new story from there. I'm sure you'd be missing some context on a bunch of characters, but considering how weak the story and characters of XIII are, I'm not sure that's really a bad thing.

Actually, a good example would be that it's like playing Mass Effect 2 without playing the first game. You'll get enough explained.

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I love the battle system in 13. If you don't, there's literally nothing else there. It opens up 30 hours in though :shifty:.

Pizza's right, there is really nothing there from what I played. I hated the battle system and it just went downhill from there for me. :(

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I'm playing XIII and am on Chapter 10. So far my only major problem gameplay-wise was a boss fight in Chapter 4 or 5 (I forget which) that was a royal pain in the ass because it has a ton of HP and at that point neither Lightning nor Hope, the two characters you control during the fight, are great at healing.

Storyline-wise....could be better.

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It's surprising how well FF7 holds up today, Mrs. TKz played it and beat it a year or two ago with no prior FF experience and loved it.

That's probably the best way to experience VII. If you've played the more recent ones and spent any time online talking about them, you'll have heard how unbelievable brilliant VII was and have your expectations set way too high. VII is flawed but great, which means those flaws are going to be all the more glaring if you've had it held up as a perfect RPG like it tends to be times.

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