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The only party that matters is Ashe, Balthier, Basch, and occasionally Fran.

Fuck no, Fran is awful. She's Cait Sith, Eiko, Selphie and Kimarhi all rolled into one. Good for ten minutes than does fuck all when it matters. Plus her voice grates me so much.

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Can someone explain quickenings to me? I haven't picked up XII in ages, but I remember when I played it briefly, I was unsure about quickenings. I wasn't really sure what you're suppsoed to do. Maybe the manual didn't explain it very well, maybe I was just being dumb. Reading the thread has given me the urge to play it when I get home and I just want to start without having to read up on stuff.

Fuck no, Fran is awful. She's Cait Sith, Eiko, Selphie and Kimarhi all rolled into one. Good for ten minutes than does fuck all when it matters. Plus her voice grates me so much.

Also, Selphie :wub: How dare you, blasphemer!

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As a side note, I actually love Fran's voice, and wish she had more speaking parts :shifty:

Now, for shits and giggles, put together your ultimate Final Fantasy Party! 5-6 people at most.

Auron for pure power/badassness.

Freya for Dragoon love...or maybe Kain or Bartz.

Aries handling the White Magic.

Vivi with the Black Magic.

Rikku for my love of her and the thief class.

And Ashe, just because she was awesome.

Edited by Ruki
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Hmm... ultimate team?

  • Setzer - Dice and Cards? Ultimately efficient combat weaponry! What could go wrong?

  • Cait Sith - Because nothing says BRUTE FORCE like a punch from a stuffed toy.

  • Fighter - OK, while a good class, I'd be lying if 8-Bit Theater didn't influence this choice. I wish Sword-Chucks were real...

  • Amarant - One of my favourite characters of all time. Plus, you've got to respect the Goatee Of Doom.

  • Black Mage - See Fighter. "I don't get mad, I get stabby."

  • Paine (White Mage Dressphere) - I was struggling for a decent choice for White Mage here. Aeris is skilled, but as we've seen, she has a potentially fatal allergy to swords.


Edited by Kryptonite3d
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I'd probably have to go with Vivi, Terra, Vincent Valentine, Aeris(-s th), Cloud (gotta have my namesake), and then probably Auron.

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1. Auron

2. Balthier

3. Penelo

4. Red XIII

5. Squall

6. Vivi

That was surprisingly easy.

And I just remembered that Nobuo Uematsu said he always envisioned Sean Connery doing the voice for Red. I gotta play through VII and have that voice in my head.

Edited by Clawson
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2. Rikku - 'I stole the sounds out ya Jeep, it takes a thief.'


4. Zell - Because I'm the only dude that likes him.

5. Basch - Fuckin' NGHs up.

6. Barrett - He's got a gun. ON HIS ARM.


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Give me Squall, Irvine, Penelo, Lulu and Aerith. Then throw in some Barrett or Red XIII and we have a team to die for.

and DMN, Zell was all kinds of badass. Nothing said "I'm going to kick you hard in the face" like a tattoo on your face and a clear case of parkinsons.

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1. Squall - GUNBLADE!

2. Auron - Because, well... he's badass.

3. Selphie - Purely for her horribly overbalanced limit break. Impossible to get game over.

4. Vivi - Because I challenge anyone not to love him.

5. Red XIII - He's practically a talking dog. Reason enough in itself. Besides, the Cosmo Canyon theme wins.

6. Rikku - Just because I love her.

If we're allowed to include characters that are only partly playable, then substitute Seifer for Squall... Gunblade + twice as awesome.

Also, I third fourth DMN's love for Zell. But he doesn't make it into my party purely because his limit break drove me up the frikkin wall!

Edited by Whisper in the Wind
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Hmm... ultimate team?

Oooh that's an awesome idea... I'll go for a traditional two teams of four because there's no way in hell I could just make one party.

Team One

Zidane (Final Fantasy IX)

Vivi (Final Fantasy IX)

Cid (Final Fantasy VII)

Kain (Final Fantasy IV)

Team Two

Setzer (Final Fantasy VI)

Auron (Final Fantasy X)

Vincent (Final Fantasy VII)

Balthier (Final Fantasy XII)

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