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I need to make stop in the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth so I can get armor with No Encounters on it.

Also, fun note: when I returned to the Thunder Plains to do the dodges, I accidentally initiated the encounter with Dark Ixion. Since I put First Strike on the Murasame, I was able to have Auron escape, but Ixion proceeded to - on its first turn - doublecast Thundaja on both Tidus and Lulu, hitting them for 99999 damage.

So yeeeeeeeeah, think I'm gonna take a rain check on the Dark Aeons right now.

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There's two ways to kill the Dark Aeons. There's the heroic way, or the realistic way. You can grind for hours and hours and fill up that Sphere Grid if you want. Or you can make Yojimbo your new best friend and save yourself a lot of frustration.

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Zanmato is never guaranteed. Just make sure you pay him 50% + 1 gil of your current total gil every time, it gets his "friendship" level up so that he's more likely to use it. Still, it's the cheap (gameplay, not money, obviously) way of doing things, and kind of takes the fun out of the challenge.

Speaking of challenge, I swear I've never had this much trouble with the Catcher Chocobo race. The chocobo doesn't seem to properly listen to anything I input, and those fucking gulls will be the death of me.

Also, there's a few ways around grinding - priority should be capture as many monsters as possible for the monster arena, that earns you a load of special items for boosting weapons and the like, and there's a trick to fighting Don Tonberry that can earn you a metric asston of AP. Taken from the Wiki sourced:

It is possible to go from 0 to 99 Sphere Levels in one battle with three characters using this method

For real.

Also, also - the fact you never get to smack around Tromell is a source of disappointment for me.

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Stokerina pointed out to me that the guy who voices Wakka is the guy who voices Bender in Futurama...and now every time Wakka says something preachy (which he's just started doing a lot), I assume it's part of a ruse to hide his secret weakness for blackjack and hookers.

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He also voices Jake in Adventure Time and a whole shitload of other stuff. He's great.

Just wait til you start thinking Rikku is Timmy Turner from Fairly Odd Parents.

Now I wish Auron were Jorgen Von Strangle. TEEMEE TUHNUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

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So I probably had my favorite moment in my entire history of playing FFX yesterday. I was going against Belgemine at Remiem, and I was on the very last fight, against her Magus Sisters. I'm able to take out Mindy pretty handily, and while it takes either a Mega Flare or an Oblivion to take out Sandy, by the end, I'm left with just Cindy. That was a double mistake on my part, because besides being the beefiest of the Sisters, she also completely gave up the ghost once I'd taken the others out, turning it into as close a war of attrition as I've ever had in a Final Fantasy game. She buffed herself up relentlessly - I'm talking a constant rotation of Mighty Guard, Cura, and Regen here - and while she was only casting those three things inbetween infrequent attacks, there was no way I could get past everything. None of the Aeons outside of Bahamut, Anima, Yojimbo, and my own Magus Sisters could deal anywhere close to decent damage before Mighty Guard, and after, even Bahamut and Anima were fairly neutered; they could hit her for a decent chunk of damage, but her various regen buffs would wipe out most if not all of the damage immediately afterward.

So with nowhere left to turn, I summoned Yojimbo. For a good ten turns or so, I was paying him a reasonably small amount, roughly a thousand gil per turn, and he was striking out with regular Wakizashis. They were doing good damage, and Yojimbo was hitting fairly often, so it was probably biting through some of Cindy's armor. But after that tenth recasting of Mighty Guard, it's almost like Yojimbo gained sentience, and realized how fucking protracted the battle would become... so apropos of absolutely nothing - I didn't pay him a single coin - he struck out with Zanmato and ended the fight.

I typically don't like Yojimbo due to the cost it brings to acquire and summon him, which makes his acquisition in my games of FFX more of a completionist's formality than due to me actually liking him, but after that fight, and especially the self-initiated Zanmato, Yojimbo's a pretty cool guy. Eh kills aones and doesn't afraid of anything.

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Speaking of challenge, I swear I've never had this much trouble with the Catcher Chocobo race. The chocobo doesn't seem to properly listen to anything I input, and those fucking gulls will be the death of me.

This may sound weird, but back in the day, I held down all the shoulder buttons. Might've been purely psychological, but could've worked. Other than that, those chocobo races are utter crapshoots.

On a semi-related note,.....yeeeeah Brother's feelings for Yuna in X-2 were a tad questionable.

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All I can remember about X these days is Blitzball, switching Wakka in and out just to hear him go BACK ON DA FIIIIIIIIIIIELD, and an unreasonable amount of inside jokes with my college roommates (KIMAHRI STILL ZOMBIE.).

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EDIT: Godfuckingdamnit, completely misread Benji's post.

Anyway, I'm honestly not even sure that it even worked. Just a hint I saw mentioned over on the GameFAQ's boards...

Tried last night, didn't make any difference.

Though using the D-Pad instead of the analogue stick did. Caladbolg is mine!

So Tidus and Yuna's weapons are done, I've just got to capture a few more area monsters to complete Auron, I've still got to win a tournament for Wakka's Aurochs Reels before I can go for his Sigil/Crest (can't remember which) then he's done, but I'm capturing monsters at the minute because it won't appear until I fight another 250 battles anyway. Kimhari's involves butterflies and heading to Thunder Plains, so that'll be one of the last ones I do, ditto Lulu for fecking Thunder dodging. Rikku's is my next actual priority once I've done Auron's, because I'll need her weapon's Gillionaire ability to make bribing for items quicker (items which I can then finally use to customise AP earning weapons and properly start levelling characters). Say what you will about this game, but there's plenty to do.

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