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You guys are awful. Every time there's a new Final Fantasy announced, it's all "I'm cautiously optimistic" "I'll wait for a price drop" "eh, this teaser didn't make it look that good :/" then it comes out and you're all "OH MY GARSH I BOUGHT IT!"Cut the cord. Trust me. There's a world of great JRPGs out there that aren't uninspired, biannual cashgrabs. And some of them are even made by Squeenix, which makes it even weirder. :shifty:

I am waiting for a price drop! I doubt I'll play it in 2014. I'm going to at some point though.

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How much different is it from FF13? I just plain disliked FF13, mainly due to fucked up spikes in terms of enemies meaning I could destroy people easily, get attacked by a boss and get one hit ko'ed. >_>

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How much different is it from FF13? I just plain disliked FF13, mainly due to fucked up spikes in terms of enemies meaning I could destroy people easily, get attacked by a boss and get one hit ko'ed. >_>

At least in XIII the size of the enemies tended to give away how beastly they could be. I faced an optional boss in LR that was the same size as a boss I already beat and got raped seven ways from Sunday.

Mind you, I don't totally get the battle system/prep yet, which was also a massive issue in FFXIII's system.

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I've played just over 12 hours now, finished the main quest in two cities....also kinda wasted the entire day of the one I am currently on (ran around trying to find a side quest person to turn in a 3 star quest...), but still managed to get a bunch of other side quests done as well. So many souls!

I have also saved the soul of Snow! Yay!

:D And I met Vanielle....kinda have a feeling the cathedral she is located will be the final battle of the game.

Off to the wildlands! 5 days remain....hopefully I've saved enough souls to boost that up to 7 or 8.

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Ugh I haven't had the chance to play this properly yet because I'm trying to get my time in with Titanfall before the beta is up... I really enjoyed what I played thus far, though. How're you finding it further in, Ruki? I'm pretty much expecting nothing but FFXIII fan service and a ton of fetch quests... which I'm kinda okay with.

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There are a lot of fetch quests....sometimes it gets to be a bit much, but then you get to save some souls, and all is good! But if they could vary it up every so often, it'd be nice (assuming it's not....kill 100 of a monster. Which I basically have to do, so I can fight 'The Last One' of its kind, so I can turn in a 3 star quest. That's annoying. I also need 80 of an item dropped from a weak monster. I have like 60)

And there is a decent amount of fan-service, but also new story (which I am enjoying).

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Wow, are those fetch quests as bad as they sound? Kill 100 of a monster and find 80 of an item seems harsh in a game with a time limit. Have you had much in the way of giving yourself more time to play yet?

You have an ability to stop the clock for a bit...and the monsters pop up everywhere (just annoying when the wrong ones appear).

And the more souls you save (side quests/main quests), the more time you get.

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I've been playing tales games recently, just finished tales of grace and started on tales of vesperia now. Why couldn't Final Fantasy go along these lines, I absolutely love both games so far. Tales of grace was just epic and Vesperia has started well. I got Lightning Returns for the other half and it just doesn't appeal to me at all which is a shame as I used to love Final Fantasy games.

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Because Tales is a totally different type of JRPG. I've tried so hard to get into it and it just bores the shit out of me. The main complaint of the Final Fantasy series thus far has been how they've completely gone away from everything that got people into them. There's other JRPGs for people who want something different - the problem is the innovation has gone from improving on a well liked system to just making an entirely different type of game.

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Man, Lightning Returns. I actually busted out a strategy guide so I have any clue what the fuck I'm doing. The time limit is really throwing me, the same problem I had with Persona 4. This whole open world figure out what you're doing on your own thing isn't really my thing. But I really want to try and adjust so I can enjoy the story.

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Man, Lightning Returns. I actually busted out a strategy guide so I have any clue what the fuck I'm doing. The time limit is really throwing me, the same problem I had with Persona 4. This whole open world figure out what you're doing on your own thing isn't really my thing. But I really want to try and adjust so I can enjoy the story.

For real, I feel like I could do with indicators at the very least, because just running around and hoping I do the right thing is just awful. I hate timed sections in Final Fantasy games, and this is no exception <_<

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This game is so poorly made. The FPS breaks down all the fucking time, chugging along at (my best guess) something like 20-25, way below average and the textures are fucking horrible. I've seen better textures on my girlfriends old laptop with graphics turned down to low. It's ridiculous, they couldn't even budge on some better textures for new stuff when half the assets are from the last two games!?

I dunno, guys. I like the combat and I'm interested in the story, but literally everything else is holding me back from enjoying it. Only being able to raise stats via side quests is stupid, the time limit just makes you constantly feel like you're wasting your time if you're doing anything outside the main quest, despite the open world and side quests being nearly a necessity to progress. I feel like I'm missing something, is there a way to make chronostasis last for fucking ever or something? Right now I feel like I'm just completely underpowered and have no idea what to do to fix that problem. I can't grind monsters and I don't feel like I have the time to progress through side quests... yet any free time I have in the game, it feels like I have to dedicate to side quests, but I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH FREE TIME TO DO ANY OR NONE ARE AVAILABLE UNTIL A LATER TIME. They're not even clearly marked on the map, at least give me an indicator of where to go.

When I'm using three different guides, including the official one and your game doesn't make any fucking sense, you've done something wrong. This is worse than an MMO when it comes to "What the fuck do I do now?". It's like Square heard people were unhappy with how linear the first game was and just went the complete opposite... and it made it worse, somehow. XIII-2 was a great middle ground. This is not as good as XIII-2, at all.

And speaking of the official guide, this thing is garbage. Instead of putting all main quests, side quests and Canvas of Prayers quests in one big area for each map, it's all separated up by type of mission. So you're constantly going from page to page... and there's no suggested order of anything, like you might think. Like "Oh, this quest is doable now, but you'll have to leave these". It gives you some general ideas of what to have done by each day and time and that's it. So stupid, it's actually left me more confused than if I was trying to get through this without any help.

I have no idea how you lot are managing to do anything without any kind of guide, because this game is directionless and punishes the player for not knowing where to go or what to do - even if it didn't bother to tell you in the first place.

The nicest thing I can say about it overall so far is that hey - at least FFX HD is out soon.

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