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The reviews are wrong.

It's terrible?

(Says pizza, who is replaying FF13 as we speak and is probably the only person who really likes that game aside from the ending)

I liked XIII when I replayed it. It's a very, very flawed game. But the groundwork that would later be improved on by XIII-2 can be wonderful. It's not a game I'd play through again in a long while, but I enjoyed beating it once the "FUCK THIS SHIT" had worn off. XIII-2 more than made up for it, for me at least.

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It's the sort of thing that'd be fine in a TV show or film, but it's not really cool to expect us to pay another £40 for resolution. Not when we've already paid £80... and you didn't even let us know there would be any resolution for a good while.

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Beat the first 'boss' fight last night...it was against....

Noel! I bitch slapped that ho! Made him regret basically destroying the world the little punk ass bitch.

After that, I went to the next town and continued the main quest! And by continued the main quest, I mean I spent 2000 gil to get a ticket to say 'Ok, be at this place by 6pm'....it's fucking noon! I have 6 hours to kill, and I don't know what to do with my time! So, I ran back and forth...did a few side quests. Now I have to hunt down a large amount of super basic enemies...but I don't know where they spawn in this town :(

Also, back in the first town I have a quest that can be started around 7pm. Which sucks! I want to do both quests! I WANT TO SAVE EVERYONE

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This sounds a lot like Majoras Mask. I didn't like the demo though.

It really is, but you have 13 days instead of 3, and you can't go back in time.

Ungh, still can't decide whether to get it. My heart says yes, but my mind says no :(

Benji! Do it! Trust me!

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Do it! So that way someone else can talk about this game :D

I am 8 hours in, and almost done the day....just finished grabbing fireworks for Story 2.

I'm not sure why, but completing side quests just feel so...rewarding. Probably because...(early game spoilers below)

You are saving the souls of everybody, helping them go to the next world

Also? Just got the kitty outfit! Not going to use it, mind you. The stats aren't better than my current costumes :shifty:

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You guys are awful. Every time there's a new Final Fantasy announced, it's all "I'm cautiously optimistic" "I'll wait for a price drop" "eh, this teaser didn't make it look that good :/" then it comes out and you're all "OH MY GARSH I BOUGHT IT!"

Cut the cord. Trust me. There's a world of great JRPGs out there that aren't uninspired, biannual cashgrabs. And some of them are even made by Squeenix, which makes it even weirder. :shifty:

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