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Is it really? Holy crap, that is impressive. Besides Persona 3 (I think that was around 80 hours, I was just over 60 when my data corrupted for 4), I can't remember the last time I had a game go over 30.

140 hours (including FES), get on my level Ruki.

FES adds in another 60 hours though!

40 for me. I spent so long on social links and level grinding my first time through P3.

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I thought that was one of the Collectors Edition exclusives? I know at least one of that and Cloud's outfit was only on offer if you got a copy from the official Square Enix Store.

I know it's a common business practice now, but man, fuck all this pre-order exclusive bullshit. Just let me buy the fucking DLC on day one and have it free with the pre-order or something. No one is pre-ordering from the official site for an outfit when they can get it for £10 less and just live without dressing Lightning up as Cloudy for the time being.

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I'd be surprised if you can't pick it up for £30 at Tescos or somewhere right off the bat. I had XIII-2 a few days after release from Sainsburys for £30.

I finished Bravely Default last night! It was wonderful for the first two thirds but the last third was a total drag. Felt entirely like filler to pad out the length of the game, which is a damn shame. Still would reccommend it though. The first two thirds are totally worth it. I wasn't keen on the ending or secret final scene, but it wasn't anywhere near the level of XIII-2's bullshit ending.

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In one week I get to play another Final Fantasy! Gah! I love this time! Filled with such hope and wonder ^_^

What is this, 2009? Come on Ruki, you know what you're going to get. Now open up your mouth and get ready to swallow like a good little fan. Maybe they'll be nice and let you finish yourself off this time too.

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At this point, FFXIII-3 on release day is a toss up for me. My mind says "no, you loved FFXIII-2, but that ending was an awful knife twist as a faithful fan of the series", but my heart says "OMG FINAL FANTASY~! KUPO!"

I am so retarded.

I am really excited to play it in October for $5.
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I am really excited to come and revel in Ruki's disappointment real soon.

Come back in about 5 hours!

Apparently you no longer heal after battle...that makes me happy! Also, apparently you can only carry 6 healing items at a time :o This is gonna be fun.

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Bah! Just got to the Ark and I have a bunch of different classes already I want to use....the three provided, three DLC (Cloud, Dark Samurai, and another), plus Lighting's two other outfits from previous games! The choices....

Edit: Hearing the classic Final Fantasy victory fanfare with Cloud's outfit? <3

Edit: Time limit is starting to stress me out! I am only on the second day!!!

Edit again: So, I've put a whole lot of hours into it now (4 or 5)...and I have to say, it's enjoyable! The new battle system is fun, the story seems interesting, and it has a sense of urgency with the time limit. Although, I need to figure out what to do with my 'Cloud' costume, I only really use it for the slay ability when the enemies are staggered....but one of my other outfits are much better for just basic attacks :(

Also! Totally beat an option enemy! FUCK. Hard.

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