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Are FFVII, FFVIII and FFIX available in the PS store on PS4? None of the new Final Fantasy games outside of X interest me, but I'll be getting a PS4 soon and I kind of want to play those three again.

There's no Playstation games on the PS4. They'll be on offer for Playstation Now and the first two are on PC too.

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Yeah I read the review for the ports of the games over to PC. They sound kind of broken and annoying to play. I'll probably just wait till Playstation Now though with it, Netflix and WWE network, my bandwidth is in for a raping.

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Buy a PSP. You can crack it, download pretty much any Playstation game ever and play them all on the go. A second hand PSP is only going to set you back a maximum of £50. Ebay even has them for £15 if you're able to snipe a good deal.

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The XIII series is still pretty confusing overall.

Reading all the datalog stuff helps it make sense, but it's still incredibly convoluted, and you shouldn't need to read all the datalogs just to understand the basics of what's going on, that's just poor writing.

Can you explain what the heck happened in those two games then? :shifty:

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If Square ever does let another studio use their license, I pray to god it's Platinum Games. I'd give anything for a Metal Gear Rising type game featuring a bunch of FF characters.

That's not Dissidia. I couldn't get into that one at all.

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The XIII series is still pretty confusing overall.

Reading all the datalog stuff helps it make sense, but it's still incredibly convoluted, and you shouldn't need to read all the datalogs just to understand the basics of what's going on, that's just poor writing.

Can you explain what the heck happened in those two games then? :shifty:

Not well.

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Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII is a ton of fun. It's weird, but it's not a numbered FF so that's kind of okay. It actually is sort of like if Platinum did a JRPG, weirdly. The battle system is fun and I kind of adore when final installments just throw tons of fan service in - it's like when in the final run of TV show, every character from the past ever shows up. It's annoying all the time, but as a send off? It's fun. I'm psyched to play more after the demo, which is a pretty great sign all things considered. I don't know if it looks to topple XIII-2, but it seems fun. My only concern is that I'm the kind of person that plays through a game once and does everything they can in that one play through. So a world timer that would probably make the game require multiple playthroughs to do all the quests isn't my idea of fun.

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I mean, there IS a lot of content, but some of it is repeated boss battles. Saying that, I've only just started delving into the repeated boss battles, so...

But yeah, you sure as fuck get your moneys worth. Like, ten times over. You'd love it Ruki, it's the best job system I think I've ever played.

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You unlock Jobs by beating bosses throughout the game (including a few optional ones). You can equip two jobs at any time, a primary and a secondary. You can use the abilities of both, but you only get the passive benefits from your primary, not both. You also have the option to equip passive abilities and buffs from any job you have, up to a limit of 1-4. (a limit that gets higher as you progress through the story) This is all stuff like, +30% attack, earn BP, counter attack when you evade an attack, tons of awesome stuff that can make incredible combos. You level up the jobs with JP, that you get at the end of battles. As you progress through a jobs levels, to a limit of 14, you get new passive abilities and general attacks.

There's like, 24 jobs. And each one gives you a new outfit. And they're all pretty awesome.

Favorite combos include 3x Dark Knight, x1 Spiritmaster. Use the Spiritmaster to let everyone absorb any elemental damage for 4 turns, then use Brave (which gives that character an extra attack up to a limit of four that turn) four times, using the Dark Nebula attack which does major damage and usually deals 20% HP damage to you... except instead it heals you, because you absorb the element. (Dark)

The other takes a ton of explanation to explain, but it basically amounts to with a little luck evading every physical attack and getting a higher attack every time you evade. Doesn't work against spell monsters, but it's sweet against anything else.

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Is it really? Holy crap, that is impressive. Besides Persona 3 (I think that was around 80 hours, I was just over 60 when my data corrupted for 4), I can't remember the last time I had a game go over 30.

140 hours (including FES), get on my level Ruki.

FES adds in another 60 hours though!

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