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I have no idea why nobody likes XII, it's wonderful!

Well, I mean it's basically an MMO but single player. If you like MMO gameplay I'm sure it's fine, but for a lot of us it was pretty far removed from what we wanted. I think that continues to be the problem now, really. Square doesn't want to make the JRPG's they used to, but a lot of people still want that.

Japan doesn't really want JRPGs anymore, sales have dramatically dropped across the board in the last decade. Square has mixed up the gameplay style out of necessity, the classic turn-based style is no longer the top dog in Japanese gaming. Tales, the 2nd biggest JRPG series in Japan right now, sells a quarter as many units as Final Fantasy. Ni no Kuni, which was praised by a number of JRPG fans and had Studio fucking Ghibli attached to it, has sold a third of what Tales of Xillia has sold. Yes there's still Pokemon, but its appeal is about much more than simply being a JRPG.

I don't really know where the future is going, but I'm convinced FF will never return to the classic turn-based style with a major series release. As long as their newest release keeps printing money, which FFXIII has been doing (and FFXIV has been doing in NA and EU), then they'll remain convinced they should keep making games that separate themselves from tradition.

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Yeaaaaaaaah but they keep doing stuff with them that is only a minor feature but I don't really like.

For example, I'd much prefer Ni no Kuni (despite loving it to bits) if it was turn based. I don't really like that whole Brave system in Bravely Default. I dunno, I feel like it's been so long since we've had a JRPG that doesn't do something whacky and zany with the formula that something that didn't innovate would be more fresh. >_>

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I'm not a Tales player by any stretch, but after watching Mrs. TKz beat Tales of Graces F, that's pretty far removed from turn based JRPG. It's pretty much the same thing as Star Ocean. I hate all the YOU CAN CONTROL YOUR CHARACTER, HIT X FOR COMBO shit.

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Ohhh okay, yeah that's been Tales' thing for as long as I've played them. That style of JRPG has been around since SNES/Genesis era if I recall, which is why I consider it a nod back to "classic" games. But you want a pure throwback to Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy, then go with Atelier.

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Ohhh okay, yeah that's been Tales' thing for as long as I've played them. That style of JRPG has been around since SNES/Genesis era if I recall, which is why I consider it a nod back to "classic" games. But you want a pure throwback to Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy, then go with Atelier.

Yeah I checked it out after you posted it, but it's a bit too anime with creepy children with little clothes for me. Ruki might like it, though.

I think the thing I also miss is the setting of the JRPG's that I first discovered, I really adore that early PSX "It's the future... but there's swords... and FUCKING GOLD BIRDS YOU CAN RIDE AND SPACESHIPS" that 7, 8 and 10 really featured. I kind of feel like it hasn't been done much in the last few years by anyone but Final Fantasy, because, well, it got done to fucking death in the 90's. It's why I like XIII-2 so much, it's the first real HD Final Fantasy that's not shitty, because it took all the things I liked from XIII and fixed that shitty bits.

Honestly, I think the type of JRPG I want is so fucking specific that I'm certain to be disappointed from now on. But I realize that, so I'd settle for a turn based combat system with an interesting story and setting. >_>

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