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Yes, but on your average game you're not going to be under leveling yourself and like I said, spending an hour grinding out magic is the same as grinding out levels in any other JRPG. There's plenty of benefits to leveling that make it preferable, which keeps up your enemies power. I don't think I've ever played FF8 without all my characters reaching level 100 without trying.

Again, you can break the game easy, but I've never agreed with the argument that Junctioning is what does it. And even the crazy stuff you can do, it's really no worse than some of the stuff you can do in say, FFX with Mix or FFVI with Gau. I dunno, I just like the Junction system. I'm fully aware that I'm the only one. :P

I feel like the Junction system is good in concept, but it's just a bit too easy to completely shatter.

Oh, and good news, Final Fantasy VIII fans (like me): it's officially on Steam, and available to buy for $11.99. However, bad news, Final Fantasy VIII fans (like me): the FMVs are low-quality and the music is not only the same MIDI-quality ass it was in the original port, but you can't fix it like you could with FFVII.

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I've liked every game from the main numbered series. Historically they've all tried to do something a little different, it's just that current tech allows them to change more stuff each time. Looking at all the Nes/SNES titles, they all seem one in the same, but I'm sure at the time the differences in job systems, leveling etc were a lot more noticeable than we think.

Really want to get VIII on Steam (despite having it already on PSN).

I have too many FF games going right now; XIII on PS3, IX on PSN, VII on Steam and II on iOS.

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I like them all in their own way. Post X in the main series (not including X) there's a decline in the kind of game I want from FF, but they've all got their charms and problems.

As of late, with maybe the exception XII and III, I've found just about every FF to have a lot to redeem itself with. The earlier games, pre-VI really, feel very clunky and are showing their age but are still a lot of fun when in the mood. VI has great SNES charm still. VII, VIII, and IX are all fun in their own ways. X has incredible replay value. XIII is a huge change of pace but I really enjoyed it.

I can't comment on XI or XIV as I don't really touch MMOs anymore. I have friends who I don't even think bathe since it detracts from their XIV time though.

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I have no idea why nobody likes XII, it's wonderful!

Seconded. It's got a massive, massive world to play around in (just picking off all the Elite Marks was a game in itself frankly) and I thought the story was nowhere near as bad as people make out.

I mean, yeah, Vaan becomes kinda pointless quite early on but meh.

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I like XII in retrospect, but I hated it at the time because it's battle style moved so far away from familiarity. I love the world, couldn't care about the story, and hate the battle system. If they'd done an FF tactics style battle system (since it is Ivalice, after all) for that world and story then I'd probably have been happier with it.

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I have no idea why nobody likes XII, it's wonderful!

Well, I mean it's basically an MMO but single player. If you like MMO gameplay I'm sure it's fine, but for a lot of us it was pretty far removed from what we wanted. I think that continues to be the problem now, really. Square doesn't want to make the JRPG's they used to, but a lot of people still want that.

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I have no idea why nobody likes XII, it's wonderful!

Well, I mean it's basically an MMO but single player. If you like MMO gameplay I'm sure it's fine, but for a lot of us it was pretty far removed from what we wanted. I think that continues to be the problem now, really. Square doesn't want to make the JRPG's they used to, but a lot of people still want that.

Basically this.

I only played XII once, and I never plan on going back into it. I didn't have much fun with it. Hell, I disliked the battle system so much I cheated and used an 'auto-leveling' exploit to gain levels when I needed them.

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Kazushige Nojima: What I remember is the Honey Bee Inn, Toriyama (Motomu Toriyama) was in charge of the Honey Bee Inn's events, but at first what took place there was more extreme, and everyone was saying "That's going too far".

Yoshinori Kitase: Was it really that bad?

Nojima: Yeah... for example, Palmer would emerge from the inn saying "Well, that was refreshing!" *laughing*

Kitase: Toriyama was always making weird, tricky little events like that that kept getting edited. For instance, there was once a scene on the station platform where Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie from AVALANCHE would face each other and try to combine into one.


Kitase: When an event begins in Final Fantasy VII, the other two party members separate themselves from Cloud's avatar. Once the event finishes, the party recombines and Cloud is alone once more. It's just the way the game's set up, but Toriyama parodied that. The three members of AVALANCHE were like "Let's do that too!" and do their best to combine together, but they just ended up running into each other and muttering "I guess we still don't have enough practice." *laughing*

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I have no idea why nobody likes XII, it's wonderful!

Well, I mean it's basically an MMO but single player. If you like MMO gameplay I'm sure it's fine, but for a lot of us it was pretty far removed from what we wanted. I think that continues to be the problem now, really. Square doesn't want to make the JRPG's they used to, but a lot of people still want that.

Basically this.

I only played XII once, and I never plan on going back into it. I didn't have much fun with it. Hell, I disliked the battle system so much I cheated and used an 'auto-leveling' exploit to gain levels when I needed them.

Weirdly enough, grinding in FFXII was one of the few things I liked about the battle system >_>

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