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I quite liked Final Fantasy XII except during the points when I lost interest in the story, but then again I was like 16 or so when I first played it, so maybe I won't get bored this time around.

I quite like the idea of releasing it over PSN as a PS2 Classic.

I think the idea with XII is that if X HD does well, they'll release it in HD the same way they are X and X-2. You can't just re-release it as a classic, really, because the PS2 Final Fantasy games were built around the system limitations hiding some ugly stuff. You can play X on an emulator in 1080p, for example, but because of how HD it is, you can see all the little graphical problems like lines going crazy and stuff.

Where are you getting that info? I haven't heard anything about XII being re-released.

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I quite liked Final Fantasy XII except during the points when I lost interest in the story, but then again I was like 16 or so when I first played it, so maybe I won't get bored this time around.

I quite like the idea of releasing it over PSN as a PS2 Classic.

I think the idea with XII is that if X HD does well, they'll release it in HD the same way they are X and X-2. You can't just re-release it as a classic, really, because the PS2 Final Fantasy games were built around the system limitations hiding some ugly stuff. You can play X on an emulator in 1080p, for example, but because of how HD it is, you can see all the little graphical problems like lines going crazy and stuff.

Where are you getting that info? I haven't heard anything about XII being re-released.

From the interview that some Square-Enix guy said that if X is successful, they'd consider giving XII the same treatment. It was going around a little while ago.

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I quite liked Final Fantasy XII except during the points when I lost interest in the story, but then again I was like 16 or so when I first played it, so maybe I won't get bored this time around.

I quite like the idea of releasing it over PSN as a PS2 Classic.

I think the idea with XII is that if X HD does well, they'll release it in HD the same way they are X and X-2. You can't just re-release it as a classic, really, because the PS2 Final Fantasy games were built around the system limitations hiding some ugly stuff. You can play X on an emulator in 1080p, for example, but because of how HD it is, you can see all the little graphical problems like lines going crazy and stuff.

Fair enough. Either way, I'd love to play FF XII again.

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I'm still wondering how pretty HD would make this:

Cause if they can make that look better the holy shit I want.

It's been 6 years since I played FF12 so I had forgotten most of this... It just reminds me how much promise of awesomeness the game had...but I couldn't get over the gameplay changes and never finished it. <_<

(By that point in the mid-game, the plot had also taken such a "lol star wars" bent that I hadn't the drive to force it along for the sake of that either.

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I'm still wondering how pretty HD would make this:

Cause if they can make that look better the holy shit I want.

It's been 6 years since I played FF12 so I had forgotten most of this... It just reminds me how much promise of awesomeness the game had...but I couldn't get over the gameplay changes and never finished it. <_<

(By that point in the mid-game, the plot had also taken such a "lol star wars" bent that I hadn't the drive to force it along for the sake of that either.

You're doing it wrong. You're supposed to use The Force to drive along a Star Wars plot, not the other way round.

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Thinking about making FF14 my first MMORPG, anyone else on here playing it by chance?

I considered it given the positive response of the re-release. It'd have been my first MMORPG too.

Sadly none of my friends who play these games are picking it up so I'd be a bit lost. Not to mention you need a party to do some missions so I'd feel like I was missing out on a large part of the game.

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Gah, I crumbled and bought Realm Reborn. Anyone know what the status with the servers is? I've heard that people are struggling to get more than 30 mins playtime a day due to overwhelming response to the relaunch so I'm thinking of hanging off redeeming my subscription till it picks up.

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Gah, I crumbled and bought Realm Reborn. Anyone know what the status with the servers is? I've heard that people are struggling to get more than 30 mins playtime a day due to overwhelming response to the relaunch so I'm thinking of hanging off redeeming my subscription till it picks up.

I'd give it a month or two if you can. Apparently server problems are fucking crazy right now.

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I'll try, but it'll be my first serious attempt at an MMO so what's new and interesting to me might be old hat to everyone else.

The early reviews seem good though. Crappy servers mean IGN are doing the first "in-progress" review I've ever seen.

Really? They do those all the time, mostly for MMOs. I really don't like them, it's forming an opinion without having all the facts just to get their review out quicker. Nature of the beast when it comes to game reviews, but they're rarely all that helpful. Case in point, I was completely disinterested in Guild Wars 2 until I watched Angry Joe's like 40 minute long review where he'd gotten to like, end game. That sold me on it.

And now it sits happily on my desk, never being played. Just like every other MMO I ever tried. >_>

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Rumours that Squenix reps at PAX have said FFX might not be released in English speaking countries until 2014. Take it with a pinch of salt though.

If so, then I wanna get the obligatory comment about yet another Final Fantasy 13 spinoff out of the way

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