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I've always said "Tye-Dus", but it was "Tee-Dus" in Kingdom Hearts too. It's a bit silly to say that the "debate" is idiotic, only to follow that up by saying that you disagree with canon.

What can I say? I don't pride myself on being a logical individual.

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Walmart's website is listing 13th October as FFX HD's release date, which seems somewhat in-line with other 'leaked' dates of mid-October (though 13th is a Sunday, so I'm a bit confused by that exact date).

If that date is right, I'm going to have one hell of a week - it's the same week Pokémon X&Y and Beyond: Two Souls are released.

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Doubt there will be any game-changing. To do so would only incur some form of wrath, surely? The only other HD ports I've played are the Metal Gear Solid ones, and they seemed identical at any rate.

October 13th would be a bit of a bloody pain as the 14th-18th working week is one I can't take off (and even if I could, it's Stokerina's birthday on the 14th :shifty:).

Still, could take the plunge and book 21st-25th off...

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Yeah, when you know what you're getting it's a better game. I still wouldn't rate it highly, but it's a decent game, and once you read through the data logs and understand the story it makes it better (it's just shitty that you have to do that to understand the story).

Agreed on all points. I'm finding that I totally understand the battle system this time round too, whereas last time I had no fucking clue. Makes a huge difference.

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Battle system is a ton of fun, never had a problem with that. It was always the linearity of it and the lack of any chance to grind. But once I found those sweet spots for grinding, I had a lot of fun playing through it again. I'd probably still rate it above FFXII, but I don't think there was anything I liked about FFXII.

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FFXII is good (the locations are some of my favourites in the entire series), but too much of it is about pre-fight preparation and knowing what you're up against, it felt like you had to have a guide to play most of the game, rather than using it to go back and complete side-quests and the such.

As I've said a billion times - the gameplay doesn't feel like a Final Fantasy.

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FFXII is good (the locations are some of my favourites in the entire series), but too much of it is about pre-fight preparation and knowing what you're up against, it felt like you had to have a guide to play most of the game, rather than using it to go back and complete side-quests and the such.

As I've said a billion times - the gameplay doesn't feel like a Final Fantasy.

That's my problem with it. FFXIII's battle system build on the traditional one of a Final Fantasy game. For all it's faults, I enjoyed that a lot. FFXII plays like FFXI, which might have been my least favorite experience with a Final Fantasy game ever. I never really had any love for the characters or world of XII, either. These are also the reasons I'm not remotely psyched about XIII Versus becoming XV.

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I much preferred XIII to XII. XIII was, as was mentioned, more of a logical progression of what they had been trying to do up to FFX. XII was like FFII in the sense it got away from a lot of what worked. I don't "miss" ATB in an age when technology allows us to go beyond it, but I do like a maintaining of some turn-based elements.

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I quite liked Final Fantasy XII except during the points when I lost interest in the story, but then again I was like 16 or so when I first played it, so maybe I won't get bored this time around.

I quite like the idea of releasing it over PSN as a PS2 Classic.

Edited by Barracuda Rostigraben
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I quite liked Final Fantasy XII except during the points when I lost interest in the story, but then again I was like 16 or so when I first played it, so maybe I won't get bored this time around.

I quite like the idea of releasing it over PSN as a PS2 Classic.

I think the idea with XII is that if X HD does well, they'll release it in HD the same way they are X and X-2. You can't just re-release it as a classic, really, because the PS2 Final Fantasy games were built around the system limitations hiding some ugly stuff. You can play X on an emulator in 1080p, for example, but because of how HD it is, you can see all the little graphical problems like lines going crazy and stuff.

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