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FFXIII-2 is fucking great. Even the subpar ending is made up for by the fact that there's going to be another one. It improves on every element of XIII, even if the villain is a little bit of a bargain basement Sephiroth. It's fucking good and anyone who says otherwise is wrong.

...I really liked XIII-2. >_>

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FFXIII-2 is fucking great. Even the subpar ending is made up for by the fact that there's going to be another one. It improves on every element of XIII, even if the villain is a little bit of a bargain basement Sephiroth. It's fucking good and anyone who says otherwise is wrong.

...I really liked XIII-2. >_>

Nothing says "we'll make up for a shit non-ending" like a sequel you have to pay another £40 for.
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Definitely going to be pick it up then. The plot seems to be good enough to me, and I like the idea of taking control of Lightning's little sister. Would've been nice to have Snow or something play a big part, but guess I'll be stuck with this Noel guy. Just looks too bland to me... :/

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FFXIII-2 is fucking great. Even the subpar ending is made up for by the fact that there's going to be another one. It improves on every element of XIII, even if the villain is a little bit of a bargain basement Sephiroth. It's fucking good and anyone who says otherwise is wrong.

...I really liked XIII-2. >_>

Nothing says "we'll make up for a shit non-ending" like a sequel you have to pay another £40 for.

I dunno, knowing now that it was to set up for a third game, I'm more forgiving. It bothered me more when it was "Well, that's the end of the story". The extra £40 doesn't bother me at all, because so long as the game is as good as XIII-2, then I'm getting another pretty good Final Fantasy game.

Playing XIII through again, I'm currently at the part with Szah on the Nautilas. Found a grinding spot and got myself an excess of 10,000 CP. Now I'm at the area where each movement costs like, 500 CP, so I'll have to get started on that again. This game's a lot more fun when you're skipping the 90,000 cutscenes and take the time to grind.

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Man, I've talked a lot of shit about XIII, most of it I still hold to. But fuck, that soundtrack. Fucking love it.

EDIT: Apart from the Chocobo theme. Holy shit, it sounds like someone repeatedly saying "WE WILL FIND HER". Creepy.

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Have you guys played Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light? I didn't even know about this game until just now, reading through Wiki articles. Sounds like it'd be a fun game.

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FFXIII is better than I remember, a lot of the stuff I didn't do in Gran Pulse makes the game a bit more interesting second time around. Still think the mark system is awful (seriously, the distance between some marks and their C'ieth stone is ridiculous for a game lacking a decent instant dungeon transporter, and is blatantly only there to extend playing time), but I like the story a bit more having finished it and read the datalogs. I think the plot itself is pretty clever now, so whoever came up with the original concept gets kudos, but the writers themselves need beating by a Gigantuar (the mark I'm currently struggling with <_<) for their inability to tell the story without those datalogs - in-game encyclopedias are meant to ADD to the story, not BE the story.

Beat about 80% of the marks, but I'm getting bored now. Might jump into FFXIII-2 soon and come back to FFXIII's marks at another time down the line.

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Beat about 80% of the marks, but I'm getting bored now. Might jump into FFXIII-2 soon and come back to FFXIII's marks at another time down the line.

Or not at all then >_>

That sounds suspiciously like the lie I tell myself whenever I move on to a new game...

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I actually was about to say the exact same thing as ZJ, but decided I didn't want to kill Benji's chances. :P

I'm about 20 hours into XIII again, though I've skipped all the cutscenes. I've currently spent the last 5 of those hours outside a clocktower with Sazh and Vanille grinding a ridiculous amount of CP. I've maxed out their Crystarium's for the time being and I'm still not done. 1000CP + a chance for a Superconductor every 2-3 minutes is getting a lil' addictive. >_>

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Before moving on from that clocktower, I had 70,000 CP for the characters AFTER having maxed out there Crystariums to Level 3. And 100,000 for the characters I got back after doing a scene. The only thing that sucks is that it still feels like I'm not seeing any real improvement from it... and I don't think I will until the Crystarium let's me level up all the extra roles and stuff for people. Still though, I ended up with 20 Superconducters (worth 1200exp with a x2 bonus on most of my weapons) and the place I'm grinding now nets about 1000 CP for longer, but I'm getting the odd Incentive Chip here and there which makes it totally worth it.

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