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You can miss Fort Condor? I thought that was something you had to do?

I just started playing this again, picked up the PC re-release a month or so ago and it's amazing how much of it I actually remember considering I haven't played it since it was first released in the UK. I was pretty young then too.. I expecting I'll play it quite differently though thinking that I believe it was my first ever RPG, whereas most games I play now are.

Sorry, bad phrasing - I meant the first visit. I just headed straight west like the game told me, and since I used the downward view rather than the horizon view, I never spotted the big gold birdie town. You have to do the one later on to get huge materia.

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I got to do something I never got to 15 years ago. Kill the Midgar Zolom. Barrett ended up being the only one to get the exp. because Cloud got swiped out of the fight and Red XIII got killed right at the end, but still. That's one of the goals I get to check off from this playthrough.

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I never heard any news about the FFVII redo coming out for the computer this year - my memories of the game ALL came from the PC version and to see it working on today's machines, in widescreen on my 52 inch running at a decent speed.. damn it's beautiful. It's 5.99 until January 2nd.. so get it! Joypad support and everything.

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Trailer for Lightning Returns: XIII.


The one character battles will be weird, though atleast Hope won't be there dying every three seconds in every battle like in the first XIII one. Also few days ago i noticed that it's almost been a year since the 13-2 came out and it's been sitting on a shelf all this time and i've barely even started it, there was a time when the release of a new Final Fantasy game caused months of waiting to get it and now this. I'll be getting this as well when it comes out, i really just need to get on it and finish both 13 and 13-2 at some point.

My XIII playing ended to the Hope's summon battle for the reason mentioned above, Hope dying in about three seconds every time.

Edited by The Sandman
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13-2 is great. Apart from the ending, which is negated by there being a sequel, I don't see what problem people had with it. I enjoyed my time with it before I beat it.

Lightning Returns actually looks okay. It still seems similar to the XIII-2 system, so long as it's implemented well it'll hopefully still be fun. As long as they learned to improve on the positives of XIII-2, I've actually got a bit of interest in this game now. I'm sure that'll all change when we see a full gameplay video, but still. >_>

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I enjoyed XIII-2 for the most part. It was better than XIII and XII, but still not what I wish they'd be.

But watching the video...(yours was removed :shifty:)

It doesn't look too horrible. I still love Lightning as a character, but yeah...still not sure about the solo-character thing. But I kinda want this one to come and go already so we can learn about XV, and whether or not Final Fantasy will get super awesome again :shifty:

So, is this the same world from XIII and XIII-2? How far in the future? Would be kinda cool if Lightning was a world traveler, and randomly showed up in other FF games.

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Finished Final Fantasy IV! Was a fun game, dragged at the end but my faithful GameFAQs sherpa pulled me along the rest of the way. Didn't bother with any of the post-boss stuff. Now I'm on Final Fantasy Tactics while I figure out which proper RPG I want to play alongside it.

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Finished Final Fantasy IV! Was a fun game, dragged at the end but my faithful GameFAQs sherpa pulled me along the rest of the way. Didn't bother with any of the post-boss stuff. Now I'm on Final Fantasy Tactics while I figure out which proper RPG I want to play alongside it.

Did you find the final part on the Moon to be a huge jump in difficulty? I was really disappointed that all my leveling meant nothing once I got to the Moon and was getting my ass handed to me.

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Finished Final Fantasy IV! Was a fun game, dragged at the end but my faithful GameFAQs sherpa pulled me along the rest of the way. Didn't bother with any of the post-boss stuff. Now I'm on Final Fantasy Tactics while I figure out which proper RPG I want to play alongside it.

Did you find the final part on the Moon to be a huge jump in difficulty? I was really disappointed that all my leveling meant nothing once I got to the Moon and was getting my ass handed to me.

That's a criticism I have of quite a few of the early FF's (and all the SNES ones). There's a random point where all the work and progress you've made in the game so far are meaningless and they're going to just make it so that you start getting your ass handed to you once again. There's no streamlining of the difficulty. FFIV is the biggest culprit of this though.

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Yeah, the Final Fantasy games, pretty much all pre-VII have that failing. The learning curve is absurd, as if you level "naturally" you'll just get slaughtered at one or two points. You pretty much need to grind, but it gives you no indication of that. One of the main failings of IV-VI, with the other being the amount of times the game leaves you in the middle of nowhere with no clue as to what you should do next - I hear VI getting called the worst offender for that quite often, but for me, V was the worst.

VII pulls similar tricks once or twice, too, though.

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