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So I've still never played any of the first six Final Fantasy games (past, like, the first dungeon or some such) and I want to do a blind run on one of them. I'm pretty ignorant of story stuff with all of them (past stuff like Kefka = bad) and I figure a blind run would be waaaaay more fun than following a guide for the first run. It just boils down to one question; which one?

1. Hard as hell on a blind run from a "What the fuck do I do next" perspective. It doesn't really give you much guidance at all.

2. Just not amazingly fun. I had a lot of fun playing 1 on the GBA, but 2, whilst similar, had a job system I really wasn't too keen on.

3. I'm actually playing 3 for the PSP at the moment, it's not bad at all! But you can't play it without a PSP or a DS.

4. A lot of fun, but once you get to the the final stages, the difficulty jumps up a lot. But I had a ton of fun with the PSP remake of this. Not sure how good the original is.

5. Never played.

6. Everyone else has already said it.

I think a lot of the fun from VI comes from knowing all the little tricks. (Hello, Vanish Doom >_>) It's a great game, but for a blind run I'd probably suggest IV more than the rest. FFI is a ton of fun too, but like I said, you really need a guide at times to figure out what the fuck you're meant to be doing.

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So I've still never played any of the first six Final Fantasy games (past, like, the first dungeon or some such) and I want to do a blind run on one of them. I'm pretty ignorant of story stuff with all of them (past stuff like Kefka = bad) and I figure a blind run would be waaaaay more fun than following a guide for the first run. It just boils down to one question; which one?

1. Hard as hell on a blind run from a "What the fuck do I do next" perspective. It doesn't really give you much guidance at all.

2. Just not amazingly fun. I had a lot of fun playing 1 on the GBA, but 2, whilst similar, had a job system I really wasn't too keen on.

3. I'm actually playing 3 for the PSP at the moment, it's not bad at all! But you can't play it without a PSP or a DS.

4. A lot of fun, but once you get to the the final stages, the difficulty jumps up a lot. But I had a ton of fun with the PSP remake of this. Not sure how good the original is.

5. Never played.

6. Everyone else has already said it.

I think a lot of the fun from VI comes from knowing all the little tricks. (Hello, Vanish Doom >_>) It's a great game, but for a blind run I'd probably suggest IV more than the rest. FFI is a ton of fun too, but like I said, you really need a guide at times to figure out what the fuck you're meant to be doing.

You never played 5?! Correct that! Has possibly the best job system in the entire series. Plus Gilgamesh!

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Started up on VII again. Pretty much how I remember it. Trying to pay some more attention to stats and such. Not exactly sure where Cloud is supposed to fall, is he just balanced attack and magic?

He does everything well and unless you really try otherwise, he'll always be the strongest. Others have stronger magic, but after a while you should be doing strong enough physical attacks you'll rarely use anything else.

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I. I only beat it recently with the GBA version. I remember way back when playing this and Dragon Warrior on NES and being COMPLETELY out of my league and not getting very far at all. (A wikipedia check shows it was released in 1990 in the states. If I played it when it first came out... yikes, seven years old. No wonder I got owned.) It was decent for what it was, but I have no desire to play it again anytime soon.

II. Again, I've only played and beaten the remake. The leveling system is REALLY weird, but I don't remember the game being too bad. I may give it another go sometime.

III. Never played.

IV. Remember playing this a ton for SNES. IMO, this is where story and character really start to take center stage. My only complaint is it feels like there are a few areas where you get stuck if you don't grind for a RIDICULOUSLY long time, but that just makes it that much more worth it when you finally beat it.

V. Recently played this after holding out for a long time. I remember playing it back when the anthology came out but I got stuck at Shiva and couldn't really get a handle on the job system so I quit and never went back. On my recent playthrough the big thing that struck me is the sense of humor this game has about itself. I dare anyone to not crack a smile at the interactions between Bartz and Ghido. A LOT better than I thought it would be. Having played this after VI, I couldn't help but get the feeling that they were trying a lot of things out in this one.

VI. I can't add much more than what everyone else has said. Epic story, epic villain. I played the hell out of this game when it was first released on the SNES and I played the hell out of it later on when it came out on Anthology. I will admit it got confusing after you get to The World of Ruin, but I didn't even really mind because I had an absolute blast just playing this, leveling espers and working on equipment combos and all that. One of my favorite games of all time.

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I, also, started replaying FF7 yesterday. Have just finished the part where the tower falls on Sector 7. I remember taking so long to do everything to this point as a kid. This time it took me just a couple of hours. Still as fun as I remember, though.

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