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At least VII didn't spring a new Big Bad on you in the last three hours of the game like certain Subsequent Two Games in the Series I could name.

You meet Sephiroth, you get screwed over by Sephiroth, and then in the end, you murder Sephiroth.

Compare to meeting Edea, getting screwed over by Edea, and then in the end, you get to kill... whoever the fuck Ultimecia is.

Necron, of course, is a far worse offender than this.

I literally can't defend Necron without going into fan theory. I found him absolutely ridiculous, but hilariously so. It's so balls-out fucking mental that any game developer would ever think of that, and that it would be green-lighted.

The Edea/Ultimecia stuff is absolutely stupid too. There's a Sorceress who's evil but she isn't but she is when he's another Sorceress really, who's actually another Sorceress, and your girlfriend might be too but IN SPACE.

Oh man, time compression. I mean, wait, I don't even

I get the whole megalomaniacal 'destroy the world' plot if it serves to improve the life of the baddie. Pretty much every baddie trying to destroy the planet does it to become a god and that's fine by me. How does anyone benefit at all from time compr-IN SPAAAAAAACEEEEEEE

The best part of that is Laguna's plan to stop the time compression is "Let's compress time! BUT WITH LOVE!"

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I don't remember what I named it, but I was way 16 and single and angsty at the time, so I probably gave it some super-cereal name because I thought it was the Greatest Love Story of Our Time.

But even in this state of being basically the perfect demographic for that stupid game, my reaction was still "time compression, wtf."

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Oh god, I'd almost forgotten about that.

The fact that you fight Jecht beforehand and he gets the ridiculous heavy metal theme song as it's going on sort of makes up for it, but yeah, talk about sucking all of the drama out of a game finale.

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In fairness, while I loved FFX, its final boss was as shitty as they come.

I usually try to ignore that final battle and just think of the game as ending when you defeat Jecht. Hell, it took me a hell of a lot of training to beat Jecht the first time but I've never lost against that purple flea.

Well, I had also forgotten that Kuja was not the final boss for IX.

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I actually think the FFVIII turn of "Oh, but here's the REAL villain!" is a lot better than IX because you get like... a whole two disks? I think, fleshing out that she's been behind it all since the start. So there's some build up, you learn about your enemy, you know you have to stop Ultimecia and that's who you then go for the showdown with, knowing that's who your facing.

IX is literally "AND HERE'S THIS GUY!" with absolutely no explanation.

For the most part I'm pretty much leaving all this stuff alone, because what you're all saying makes sense and I don't even really disagree with it, but in my head it's nothing but FUCK YOU GUYS FF8 IS AWESOME. :shifty:

I'm glad I'm not the only one that finds most of the characters in IX boring. In each game there's at least one person who I HAVE to keep in my party for one reason or another (Setzer, Cid and Barrett/Vincent (until I remember Vincent's awful limit break), Quistis, Auron and Lulu) but I just didn't care at all in IX.

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I can never get on with FF6 because it was damn near impossible to get on the SNES over here so I never had the chance to play it until it came out on the PSN. I mean, emulators exist, but I never really liked playing SNES games on the PC. I think I got as far as when the world changes and you lose your party. I couldn't find them and stopped playing.

I'm hoping now that it sits happily on my PSP, I'll finally get the chance to play it in it's entirety one day.

Also hate on the Junction system all you want, but I'll take it any day over having to spend 10 hours trying to steal from bosses to get anything of use in IX. :shifty:

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I can never get on with FF6 because it was damn near impossible to get on the SNES over here so I never had the chance to play it until it came out on the PSN. I mean, emulators exist, but I never really liked playing SNES games on the PC. I think I got as far as when the world changes and you lose your party. I couldn't find them and stopped playing.

I'm hoping now that it sits happily on my PSP, I'll finally get the chance to play it in it's entirety one day.

Also hate on the Junction system all you want, but I'll take it any day over having to spend 10 hours trying to steal from bosses to get anything of use in IX. :shifty:

As opposed to the 20 hours you spend playing cards in VIII to get your stats worth a damn? :shifty:

I love the card game but the idea of playing Magic in order to get an new card that I can turn into a item that could be refined into some magic that I apparently inject into my veins to get a stat boost because that's an easier way of beating the game than walking around twatting everything I see with my big fuck off Gunblade throws me every time I stop and think about it

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I never did the card games. As a matter of fact I never Grind at all on FF games, unless im pretty stuck on it and the enemy kills me in 2/3 hits, like that bastard boss on FFXIII. I've gone off that game, now I just need to find a emulated version of FFVIII that actually works and I will be happy :D

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Wah? I literally never play the card game. Like, any time I play. Ever. And last time I played I'd leveled myself to the point that I killed Ultimicea without ever having to worry about losing any health. Heck, I'm pretty sure I killed Omega Weapon without ever being in trouble.

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