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I literally just started a game of VI last night. If anyone wants/needs one of the harder to come by strategy guides (seriously, some of them are upwards of £70 <_< ), then let me know.

We talking for free or...? I have a bit of a collection of Final Fantasy strategy guides building and VI would be nice to add to it. >_>

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Anyone up for a play through of IV, V or VI? I've never actually completed any of them and have a hankering for some old school.

If only you'd said this like a week ago! I'm just about finished with IV. It's not bad, though the difficulty curve goes a little bit nuts towards the end. It's all fine and dandy and then suddenly Random Encounters are hitting for 1000+ >_>

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Been playing FFIX since we didn't seem to go anywhere with VI. Love this game so much. Just about to end disc one and got myself a lovely reef chocobo :wub: Hopefully I won't hit the wall I always hit - Hilgigas. It's not that the battle is hard, it's that stealing that god damned Fairy Flute has ridiculously low odds, and I get obsessed with nicking it from the ugly green bastard. Having said that, I've tried to get the Mythril Sword from beatrix about ten times, and failed because of the turn limit, so she may wind up being my Demon's Gate on this play through <_<

I know I bring it up every time I play it, but whenever Black Waltz 3 chapter plays, I feel a twinge of sadness, especially due to the incredibly poignant soundtrack work of Uematsu.

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Eh. It's alright. I still haven't finished it because it gets a bit boring at the end. The way the difficulty curve works seem to be that if you grind the shit out of the game for most of it, you'll only be at sort of an average level for the final moments... which kind of bugged me. I mean, I just spent the entire game grinding extra so I'd be prepared for the final parts, I don't want to have to grind more AT the final parts to have an easier time of it.

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